The Past [Grimmjow Jeagerjaques]

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Grimmjow growled to himself, arms crossed and leaning up against a wall. How the fuck did he get stuck doing this? Watch duty for one of Szayel's many experiments for Lord Aizen. This was something for those lesser Arrancar to be assigned since they had nothing else better to do. Or Ulquiorra, being the ex-Captain's lapdog and all. He was here of course, present for all Arrancar 'births' since he was the one to prep and then bring them before Aizen. The Fourth Espada was even in charge of their sparing match, which would determine their strength and ability where the Arrancar would receive a rank. Though being present for a 'birth', the young man knew there were worse punishments he could receive from his insubordination, as Tousen liked to call it whenever he managed to 'mess up'.

Sighing, the Sixth Espada's eyes lazily glanced around watching Szayel's Fracción rush about, bored out of his mind. Finally the crazed scientist emerged from the back room approaching the controls that were hooked up to the body lying on the table completely wrapped in bandages. "Are we ready to begin?" the pinked-haired man asked.

"We've been ready," Grimmjow snapped. "You just like taking your sweet damn time like a girl!"

The Espada snickered, turning on the machines. "Cranky as always, Grimmjow. Wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? Or is it the fact that you were caught this time around and Lord Aizen is making you attend."

Grimmjow glared in warning, but it was ignored. "Enough," Ulquiorra ordered. "Begin the administration-"

The doors opened, the three turning to watch as Aizen walked through the doors. "Is there something wrong, Lord Aizen?" Szayel questioned.

"Not at all," he answered. "I was curious to see this soul's revival is all."

The pink-haired man cocked a brow. "You never normally come to these sort of things, so you can imagine my surprise." Shoulders shrugging he turned back to the controls and screens. "Very well then."

Turning a dial spiritual pressure began pumping through the wires and into the limp form. The Sixth Espada's eyes looked at it, amused with the fact that based on the overall appearance and outline of the figure they were about to get another female on their team. Though he hardly doubted she would receive any high ranking. Only Tia was qualified enough for the top ten. He wouldn't be surprised if this Arrancar became a Fracción.

The chest began to rise and fall, hand twitching. "Cut away the head wrappings," the scientist instructed. Two of his Fracción rushed forward snipping away the bandages so the Arrancar could breathe easier. The skin was so pale; Grimmjow almost compared it to Ulquiorra's, while the dark, loosely curled hair tumbled over the edges of the table. It took a few more minutes for the eyes to flutter open the pale blue pupils trying to focus. The Espada had to admit he was rather disappointed. He figured it would be more intense with more action.

"Well, that has never happened before," Aizen spoke up.

The comment caused Grimmjow to glance over, actually willing to ask, "This isn't normal?"

"No," Szayel answered. The machines were powered down as more assistances came forward to help the delirious young woman. "Usually it's a lot more violent to a point where the Arrancar can throw themselves off of the table. It's because the soul is trying to revive itself after being comatose for so long; trying to get used to a body again can prove difficult."

"If you wouldn't mind, Ulquiorra, I would like a private audience with this Arrancar before heading to the throne room."

"Understood, Lord Aizen," the Fourth answered.

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