The Bus Stop [Ulquiorra] for destinykitten48

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Ulquiorra considered most things as trash, whether they were human, Hollow, Soul Reaper, or Arrancar. Yet, why did the Espada constantly find himself wandering about the World of the Living? Even though he constantly said he hate that place and couldn't understand the way humans thrived, the young man found himself walking down the dark, dimly lit streets of Karakura Town. He wasn't hunting for anything; he wasn't looking for anything... well... maybe he was looking for something. Ulquiorra just didn't know what that something was yet.

He came up to a streetlight, a bus rolling to a stop beside him. The Espada stopped short, looking over at the object before the doors opened. An elderly woman walked out onto the dark street, right through Ulquiorra's body. She shivered, pulling her jacket closer before disappearing in the dark.

The Espada glanced back at the bus, wondering what this thing was. Curious, he stepped on, the doors closing seconds after. He looked up at the driver, whose eyes were trained on the street in front of him. Ulquiorra cautiously walked up the steps, seeing four passengers, sitting in different seats. His eyes darted back and forth before walking down the aisle and sitting in a double seat of his own, next to the window.

Ulquiorra found himself looking out and watched as the town of Karakura went by. He found it oddly interesting how this contraption was used and the Espada found that he began to relax into the seat. A feeling of ease came over him as they hit the seventh stop. The door opened, letting on a young girl around the age of nineteen, maybe twenty. Ulquiorra knew she was just younger than he was.

She walked down the aisle, nodding to an elderly woman with a kind, yet tired, smile. Ulquiorra's eyes flashed to the area beside him when the young woman slid in beside him. She didn't try to move over, just sat where she was, contempt. He wondered if she even knew he was there. However, a quick examination of her soul, and Ulquiorra knew that wasn't the case. This human had barely a trace of spiritual pressure.

Her body relaxed into the seat and after a few minutes her head began to bob up and down as she tried to keep her eyes open. Ulquiorra looked away, watching as they headed into the central part of Karakura. The building lights were glowing in the dark, reflecting on the window's glass. Pressure was applied to Ulquiorra's shoulder and his eyes casted to the side, finding the young woman had passed out against him.

The Espada did not know what to do, having never been in this situation before. Her breathing was steady, feeling hot against the fabric of his jacket. He could feel the heat radiating off her body, yet she shivered from time to time. Unknown to the Arrancar, he was staring, and the bus finally came to a noticeable halt.

"Last stop!" the driver called out, breaking Ulquiorra out of his trance. They were the only two left. He looked down at the girl, finding her still asleep. "Last stop!" the driver called.

Ulquiorra shook his shoulder lightly, jolting the girl from her sleep. She rubbed her eyes tiredly, looking around. Her eyes widened in realization and she stood, gathering her bag and walking to the front.

"Sorry about that," she apologized, scratching the back of her head.

The driver smiled at her kindly, wishing her a good night. Ulquiorra stood up from the seat, sonidoing between the doors before they could close. The bus pulled away and Ulquiorra's eyes flashed over towards the retreating human. He watched her until she was lost in the darkness before opening a garganta, and disappearing into Hueco Mundo.


Another thing, which Ulquiorra had not realized how it happened, was that he returned to the World of the Living on a regular basis, not to just walk around aimlessly, but to ride the bus. Every night he would get on at the same stop, sit in the same seat, and wait for that one stop to come. The young woman would walked on, the same tired look in her eyes, sit in the same seat as Ulquiorra, and doze off every night on his shoulder.

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