Two Worlds [Byakuya Kuchiki] for kemisu

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Name: Nagami Hôshô

Gender: Female

Age: 25-30

Looks: Short pure black hair and purple eyes. Five feet, eight inches tall with a pretty normal body shape and size.

Race: Human with a special power



Nagami breathed heavily as her legs started to slow down to a light jog around the track. "Great job, Nagami. Two minutes and fifty seconds flat. Your best time yet!" her trainer Hinata exclaimed with a big smile.

"That's... great..." she breathed, coming to a halt. Nagami wiped sweat from her brow before taking a swig from her water bottle.

"We're done for the day. Don't forget that tryouts for the team is this weekend so take the next few days off."

"Yeah, I know. I'll see you then."

Nagami retreated into the locker room and jumped into a cool shower. It made her body shiver and unwind. She could feel her muscles ripple as they calmed down from the rigorous training.

The sun was starting to set in the distance as Nagami began her walk home, duffle bag slung over a shoulder. She stopped halfway to her apartment, looking to the north. She could feel something odd in the wind. It was off. The woman changed her course of direction, becoming very curious.

It was getting closer, the feeling almost overwhelming. Suddenly a monster came barreling out from around a corner, startling Nagami. She jumped back as the thing roared at her. "You're in the way," spoke a cool voice from behind. The woman's body went stiff as she looked over her shoulder, spotting a man in black with a white scarf around his neck. His jet-black hair was being held back by a white headpiece, grey eyes cold and emotionless.

He walked around Nagami, standing to face off with the monster. A sword was pulled from its sheath, being held in front of his face. "Scatter, Senbonzakura." It disappeared into a thousand bright pink petals, swarming in the air. The Hollow gave one last cry before it was sliced into many pieces. Nagami watched with wide eyes unable to believe what she just saw.

The man sheathed his weapon, attention then landing on Nagami. His eyes held mild surprise, intrigued that she could see him and the Hollow. "So, you can see me..."

"Of course I can," Nagami finally answered, trying to figure out what had just happened. "Only a blind person could not."

"Hmm..." he said, fishing into his kimono robes. "I can't exactly let you go. Not before I-"

Another Hollow roared in the air and the man looked up behind Nagami, the woman turning around. Its arm was coming down over her head so swiftly, neither could move in time, Nagami to save herself, and the man to save her.

However, in the blink of an eye Nagami was gone. He looked around, as the Hollow's hand dug into the ground. The woman stood ten feet away from where she had been. With one swift movement the Hollow was dead and the stranger walked towards her.

"How is it that you were able to move so quickly?" he asked, giving her a hard look.

"I... I couldn't help it. I'm a runner."

"Human beings can't move that quickly. And I know you are not Shinigami."


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