Tease [Gin Ichimaru] for drgaonsgoroar

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"Izuru, have you seen your Third Seat today?" Renji asked, walking into the Lieutenant's office.

"She was here earlier..." Izuru said in thought. "But then left in a hurry. Something about leaving something unlocked."

Renji shrugged his shoulders, sitting down. "Then I'll wait. My Captain asked me to give her some paper work."

A few minutes later they heard someone yell, "GIN ICHIMARU YOU ARE DEAD!" The force behind the shout made the earth shake, and scared the Lieutenants out of their seats.

"I-I think we found Erin," Renji stammered.

"Y-You t-t-think?" Izuru answered in worry. "She may be small, but the Captain is crazy with the way he messes with her."

Renji chuckled, shaking his head. "I'll still wait. You're Division at the moment has become very interesting."

Soul Reapers moved out of the way in respect when Gin Ichimaru flash stepped past them. However, it was another matter when they saw Erin Ine barreling down the road towards them. They pressed their backs up against the wall fast so they were not in the path of the young woman's destruction.

"Damn it, Gin!" she yelled, still chasing her Captain. "Come back here and face me like a man!"

"Language like that is very un-lady like, Ine," Gin said back, his grin ever present on his face.

A vein pulsed on Erin's forehead in annoyance. "Like I care! Give me back my zanpakuto!"

"You mean this?" Gin taunted, holding the sword in his hand.

"Yes that!"

"You should've a) locked your door, or b) had it on you. Will you ever learn?"

Gin's taunting made Erin's blood boil and she picked up speed.

Gin and Erin, went back, having grown up in the Rukongai District with Rangiku. The reason Erin could curse at her Captain and not get in trouble was because they were very close friends. Gin, even as a kid, loved to tease her. It wasn't in a mean way, but a playful one. The girl learned valuable lessons through Gin's tricks because some of them she did not want to experience again. This was another one of the man's many lessons, one Erin kept on forgetting, sadly.

The Soul Reaper groaned. "I promise I'll learn Gin, now please give me back my zanpakuto."

"Hmm..." the Captain mused. "No." Erin's hopeful face dropped. "I think I'll hold onto it a little while longer."

The young woman growled, spiritual pressure rising. As she rushed forward, she released a small burst of pressure. Erin slammed into the man's back, making the two fall to the ground. She snatched her zanpakuto from Gin's grasp halfway down.

"Ha, ha!" she laughed, holding her prize in hand. "I win!"

Gin sighed from his position, propping himself up. "I don't remember you being so fast, Erin." The woman stuck out her tongue at Gin, who's spine she was currently sitting on. He chuckled at her childish demeanor. "Are you done or are you going to let me sit up?"

"Hmm..." Erin said in thought. "I'm debating..."

The Captain pushed himself up, making Erin roll off to the side. "So, what have you learned from all of this?"

Erin sighed, standing up. "Make sure to keep your door locked when your zanpaktuo is not on you, or have it on you."

Gin grinned wider, standing as well. "Very good," he said, patting the top of her head. "Shall we return to the office?"

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