No Memory [Ulquiorra]

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Blurry eyes opened slowly trying to focus. They blinked rapidly, taking in everything. The girl was lying chest down in white sand, her head turned to the side. Slowly she pushed herself up, looking around. It was desolate, nothing but sand, dunes, and thin light gray trees.

Slowly she sat up, glancing down at herself, finding that she was wearing a loose white T-shirt that fell off a shoulder, and black pants that were ripped up to the knees. The girl then took a lock of her mid-back length light orange hair. Her grey eyes looked back up at the area around her. Carefully the unknown girl stood, bare-footed, and walked off into the distance.

A few hours later she found a castle. It was massive with pure white walls. She walked around the perimeter, glancing up the high enclosure, before leaning against it for a rest and hit something. The wall moved and the girl glanced in to see a secret passageway. The female decided to venture inside, curious one what she might find. Halfway down the long hall she heard something coming up from behind. Turning, the stranger could see a silhouette against the bright light coming from the desert. It looked like they had something on the side of their head.

"How did trash like you get in here?" It was a man's voice, very deep, and monotone. The girl was confused. He raised his hand and pointed a finger in her direction. "Be gone, trash."

The female could sense that she was in trouble and ran in the opposite direction at top speed. A bright green light came from behind, but she did not turn around to look. Pushing her legs faster until her hands reached a door the stranger threw it open and lunged inside, diving through the air. The blast flew overhead as she hit the ground and created a crater in the wall.

The young woman whirled around and watched as the man walked into the room, hands shoved into his pockets. "Don't worry, I'll shut it for you," he said closing the door and locking it behind him.

The man had semi-long black hair, viridian-colored eyes, and a white broken mask on the left side of his head. His clothing was all white with black trim, the skin almost mimicking in color with the white clothing, lips black. But what really stood out were the viridian-colored lines that ran down from the base of his eyes to his chin. It almost looked like the man was crying.

"You're mine, trash." The man pointed his finger at the girl again.

Something clicked in her head and the young woman sprang forward into a flip. This slightly surprised the man as her legs shot up, wrapping around his arm so fast he didn't have time to move. Her hands pushed off the ground, throwing the man backwards. The girl landed on top of his chest, pinning both arms beneath her. He stared in shock, and she stared back at him with equal the amount of surprise.

"What the heck are you, trash?" he asked.

The girl didn't answer. He moved quickly, pushing the intruder back, grasping her wrists in one hand. Her body was stiff, no longer trying to put up a fight. He pulled the young woman down the hallway. They walked into a throne room where a man sat on a dais above a group of people. All conversation stopped when they entered.

"Ah, Ulquiorra, you've brought a guest," the man sitting on the dais said with a smirk.

"More like an intruder, Lord Aizen," Ulquiorra said in a monotone voice. He jerked the girl forward, making her stumble.

"She's not a Soul Reaper," a dark-skinned man said. "But she's not an Arrancar or an Espada, or even a Vizard or Hollow."

"A human?" a white-haired man asked. "How interesting. How did a human manage to slip into Hueco Mundo?"

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