Never Leave Me [Renji Abarai] for Vervada7

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Name: Aya Nara

Age: 18

Species: Substitute Soul Reaper/Nephilim

Height: 5'4"

Life Story: Aya never knew her parents. She has been an orphan all her life. When she went with Ichigo to save Rukia, she bonded with Kenpachi, who is like a father figure to her now. That's also where she met her close friends. She spends most of her time in the Soul Society, since she doesn't have very many friends in the World of the Living. Her father was an angel and fell victim to human needs during his stay on Earth. Aya isn't pure, so she can't fly and doesn't have wings, but she can control fire with a thought. Aya grew up in Karakura Town after her mother died giving birth to her, moving from foster home to the next. Almost all of her experiences were bad, the last one nearly ending with a rape. Ichigo, her best friend since they were ten, let her come live with him for a while after finding out. She now lives with Kisuke Urahara.

Personality: Aya is very determined. She never backs down from anything that she sets her mind to, and very protective over her friends because she has no living family. Aya sometimes blacks out when getting very angry and goes into rages. She's quick witted and always comes up with a good retort to anything, kind of like Uryuu, and is able to get them out of situations. She would lay her life on the line to save one of her friends.

Strengths: Confident, smart, friendly, gets along very well with her Zanpakuto.

Weaknesses: Refuses to let anyone help her most of the time, when men who are bigger and stronger than her come near, she freezes up in fear, which has gotten her hurt before.

Zanpakuto: Higure

Bankai: 'Let the darkness come, Higure!' It takes the form of a giant skeleton man, with the head of a demon bat and red eyes, while all the spirits of her enemies that he has captures and tortured visible in his frame. They're like tendrils of smoke, moving in and out of his body. Activating her zanpakuto summons the shadows, cloaking her and foes in a black veil that cannot be penetrated. It also summons demons in the form of smoke that can tear her foes into pieces.

Extra: Higure is in the form of a wraith like figure. He is a skeletal being, almost like a ghost, and wears a cloak like the reapers. He can control darkness and emotions such as anger, hate, and jealousy. Higure has a very close bond to Aya, and make people suffer then they hurt her, with or without her permission. Aya finds it ironic that her Zanpakuto spirit is a demon, since she is part angel. Higure is also close to Shuuhei's Zanpakuto, Kazeshinse.

Occupation/Job: She helps Urahara around the shop.

Looks: She has the body of a dancer, very curvy and a nice feminine figure. Her breasts are a bit on the large side, though not like Rangiku's. She has blue eyes and red-black hair, layered and reaching mid-back. Each layer is alerted between red and black, the top and bangs black, which is swept over the right eye.

Outfits: She is almost always wearing a tank top, shorts or cargo pants with converse. They are all either black or red most of the time, but she loves to wear blue too. Her Soul Reaper uniform is like Shuuhei's, and wears Higure on her back.


"Skeleton!" Yachiru's voice rang though the Eleventh Division. "Skeleton!"

"You need her for something, Yachiru?" The Lieutenant whirled around, smiling widely up at her Captain. The said girl was at his side, cocking her head.

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