Forever [Grimmjow]

Start from the beginning

"I swear he's like a girl PMSing," I grumbled, swigging both legs over the side of the bed.

A chuckle came from the doorway as Grimmjow walked in, my former master. "I've been saying that for years," he said with a sadistic grin.

"Hello, Grimmjow, what brings you here?"

"Making sure that pervert keeps his hands off of my Fracción."

"I'd beat his head in if that happened."

Grimmjow's grin grew wider. "That's my girl."

I rolled my eyes, walking into my closet, and pulled on white kimono pants that tied with a sash, a tank top that cut off just above the stomach, and strapped the zanpakuto to my side. Yawning again I ran a hand through my hair, while walking out of the closet, pulling my hair into a messy bun.

"Jeez, what's made you so tired?" Grimmjow asked from where he was lying on my bed, legs draped over the side. "You getting weak on me?"

"Ah, shut up. Luppi put me through a rough training session the other day."

One I almost did not survive... But I didn't tell him that.

"I know," Grimmjow said, sitting up. He rested his elbow on a knee, looking over at me. "Care to explain?"

"Nothing happened, alright? He just got a lucky punch to my jaw."

"Your clothes were covered in blood."

"No they weren't," I lied.

"Vero, I can see you hiding your clothes in your closet. I also saw the devastation in the training room. And were those teeth on the floor yours?"

Shoot, I had been caught.

Grimmjow hated Luppi enough. The last thing I wanted was my former master trying to take on my new one with only one arm, which would risk loosing the other. The only thing left from the fight against Aaroniero was the bruises and some small scars. Like I had predicted, my teeth grew back over night and the cuts closed up. In a matter of days the scars would disappear.

"Care to explain?" Grimmjow asked in a low voice, meaning he wanted every detail. But I was not going to give him the satisfaction as to have a reason to go off on Luppi.

"Not really," I answered. "It was pretty uneventful."

"There was way too much blood to be uneventful, Vero," Grimmjow's voice became annoyed and angry.

"Whatever, just forget about it, alright? Look, I have to go to the throne room for the meeting before Luppi rips my head off or takes his anger out on one of my walls. I'll see you later."

And with that I left the room.


Grimmjow's P.O.V.

It pissed me off when I walked into my former Fracción's room to find the door kicked in. It pissed my off even more when I saw the bruises and scars on her skin. I knew the one on her cheek was from Luppi because he plays dirty and aims for his opponents face when he knows he is loosing, However, the other ones all over her body was a different story.

I could tell she was lying. The fight wasn't nothing. In fact, I had felt her spiritual pressure rise along with Aaroniero's, which meant he had tried to absorb her body again. I had been stuck in a meeting room where Aizen had been going over some stupid information about the upcoming attack on Karakura Town. I had wanted to rush out to see what was going on because I knew that the Ninth Espada only wanted one thing from Vero: her powers. For years he planned on devouring her whole to obtain it. Like I would let that happen. Vero had to be one of the strongest Fraccións I had ever encountered, and could almost equal me in strength. Against an Espada she could hold her own, but not when she's attacked by two, and one after the other. I'd crush Luppi and Aaroniero's heads before I'd let that happen.

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