The First Case In a While

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They arrived at the crime scene after a long 30 minute drive out of Washington DC into Arlington. The entire time, Bishop remained mute, staring intently out of the window.

Outside, the gray skies had collapsed onto the ground, sending showers of raindrops down. It seemed to set a gloomy tone onto the NCIS agents that only prevailed as the team walked through the parking lot near the picnic table to where a slumped body lay under a tall shadowy firn tree.

Tony cringed at the sight of the crime scene. Blood was splattered over the green grass like red paint, and the body of a 20 year old man lay in the middle of the blood. His body was twisted into an unnatural position.

Ziva walked behind Tony, but as soon as she saw the body lying on the ground, she let out a barely audible groan. She had forgotten how horrible some of the crime scenes could be.

Bishop seemed unfazed as she pulled out her camera and walked towards the mangled body. Ziva followed her, her face back to the emotionless one they were all used to.

As soon as they had taken a few pictures, they knelt down and Bishop put her hand into his pocket.

"Gibbs!" Bishop called, "His ID is still in his pocket."

Gibbs came running over.

Bishop continued: "Lieutenant David Eric Roberts, 28 years old."

McGee took his prints and ran it through his small machine.

"Deployed in Iran for two years, received the Medal of Honor for his heroic contribution," he read.
Tony wrinkled his brow. "Seemed like a pretty good guy," he remarked.

"Any suspects? Witnesses?" Gibbs asked frankly.

McGee looked over to the small group of people, who seemed to be nervously chatting away. Then he turned back.

"One woman, claims to be his mother, and one young man, his best friend-"

Bishop broke McGee off, as she turned around from where she sat beside the body.

"Gibbs. You may want to check this out," she observed, "He has a mysterious bruise on the side of his forehead, near his temple."

Gibbs hurried over to examine it, as Ducky and Palmer bustled in.

Palmer walked up to Gibbs, wringing his hands, and Ducky went straight to the body, laying down all his tools next to him.

"Ermm, ah, sorry, we um, got, you know, a little lost," Palmer winced.

Gibbs turned and gave him a hard stare. Palmer faltered under his intense gaze.

"I'll just be over here, if you need me.." he said and scurried off.

"Ziva, Bishop, Dinozzo, McGee, I want you to question the suspects," Gibbs dismissed them and they walked away. Then he got back to Ducky, who seemed to be examining the body cautiously.

"Ah! What have we here?" Ducky did not wait for an answer, and continued on.

"Oh, this looks like a blow from something to his temple, just enough to knock him out," he said indicating to the bruise. "Then it looks like a gunshot penetrated his heart. A quick and painless death."

"But why?" Gibbs asked.

Ducky had no answer.

TIVA FANFIC: Broken Years, Rivers of Tears (NCIS)Where stories live. Discover now