I hear multiple times in distorted voices until everything goes black, completely and utterly black.


I slowly open my eyes only to regret doing so. I groan shielding my eyes against the harsh light above me. "If heaven is this bright, send me to hell" I mumble to myself but the movement coming from next to me shows me I said it louder than I intended.

"You're not in heaven, you're in the hospital" Baxter's amused faced appeared above me, finally blocking the light.

I tut "Should of known, there's no way I'm making it to heaven" I laugh but my whole body tenses. Instant regret sets in.

The obvious discomfort alarms Baxter, he takes my hand letting me squeeze some of the pain away, my personal stress ball.

I take a deep breath which relaxes me. I give him a small smile making him more at ease.

"You thirsty?" he asks already reaching for a drink I assume he's had on stand by for a while.

The blinding light returns once again "Sure, but can you turn this damn light off?" proper etiquette was my last priority and I know Baxter will not take it personal.

He scurries to the other side off the room and the lights slowly dim. "Woah, you can adjust the brightness. Is this a hospital or a hotel?" I laugh, the pain isn't as bad. If luck is on my side it will only be some bruising.

Baxter's charming chuckle sounds the room, it's the first clear thing I've heard, the ringing is slowly disappearing.

"I know it's pretty luxurious, I hate to think about your medical bill" that makes two of us.

It may be a nice room but the hospital gown is still tragic. I find the button to lift the head of the rather uncomfortable bed. My plan of doing it without Baxter telling me not to went out the window, it made a ridiculous buzzing noise and he hasn't taken his eyes off me in over 5 minutes. His eyes pour into mine like I'm going to vanish.

Nether the less I was finally sat up in the bed. My body wasn't exactly happy with complying but it does after a minute.

He handed me a drink with a straw in it making it easier, I roll my eyes at him treating me like a toddler but it is a sweet gesture.

"Staying at the club went in one ear and out the other huh"

He scratches the back of his neck looking guilty "I got nervous when you didn't answer Brooke's call then then you suddenly stopped, I raced over and saw"

A knock on the wooden door breaks our conversation. A doctor proceeds to enter. I smile when I recognise them.

"If it isn't my favourite doctor" I grin

Dr Harvey is a family friend, a business associate you may say. He's the don't ask don't tell kind of guy. We nearly die or take a blow and he fixes it. He's very popular among us for obvious reasons.

A small chuckle escapes him as he walks to the foot of my bed.

"Your humour never takes a break does it?"

I give him my cheesiest grin making him shake his head with a smirk "I'm assuming you know what happened?"

I nod my head. "Well, you have a major concussion so I'm surprised you're somewhat normal" he scans through a clipboard with my records on

"Okay, now we've established I'm super human. How are the boys?" I counter my dreaded question with humour, it's the only way I know how.

He looks back up to me, his serious expression doesn't fill me with much confidence "Blake is okay" a small wave of relief washed over me "He's probably going to play the hero card for a while but let him have his moment" he smirks

"Tyler?" I question solemnly.

He takes a few seconds which feels like hours before he replies "He's stable. He'll be alright"

Those words are music to my ears but guilt still consumes me "You can thank Baxter for that, Tyler would be in a way worse position without him"

I turn my head to see a humble looking Baxter. "He has potential, I could always use a hand around here"

"he sure does" I quietly say pushing some of his hair back. He smiles nervously, a slight blush rises on his cheeks

"Although, we still hasn't been checked out"

His eyes went wide "HARVEY!" he groans, he truly dropped him in it

"Excuse me? and why is that pretty boy?"

He looks like a child being told off "He refused to leave you"

As far as excuses go that was the best possible one but it still isn't adequate "Go!" I say, his face is conflicted and stubborn. I roll me eyes "I'm serious Bax. Go or I'll throw you out myself"

He sighs but pushes himself up from the chair leaving me alone.

It's strange being in a empty unfamiliar room. It doesn't give me a dreadful hospital effect, until I think of the cause of my visit. At least it's quiet.


I spoke too soon!

My crazy family have arrived.

The X in SkyeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ