Chapter 1 - Aftermath of a War

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Currently, Percy was leaning against a rock with Annabeth's head in his lap, curling her hair around his fingers and braiding the grey streak that had come back on both of them after Tartarus, however this time it seemed to be permanent. Jason was leaning against Piper with her head resting on top of his.

"What did you do to Clarisse today, Aquaman?" Jason asked. "Piper and I could hear her shouting at you from the Big House,"

"Why do people always assume ​I​ did it!" Percy whined.

"Because when it comes to Clarisse, it is usually you, Seaweed Brain" Annabeth replied, scrunching her nose up in amusement at his reaction. "I remember hearing the words 'Toilet water' and 'Prissy, you are dead!'. Care to elaborate?"

"Well, I might have dropped toilet water on her head to amuse some of the younger kids?" Percy said sheepishly. "It was clean toilet water, don't worry - and I dried her right back up after she electrocuted me with that Gods damned staff. I hate Cabin 9 for fixing that."

"That must have been entertaining, I wish I could have seen it!" Piper said, smirking at him. "I didn't see her at dinner though, doesn't she stay all year round?"

"Usually, but I think she needed to go home and see some family. Mainly, have a break from around here for a while. She's going to the same school as Chris, apparently, that's why they left together. Turns out they lived close enough together for her to transfer to his school." Percy replied, "She told me while we were sparring".

"Huh. Is it just me who really hasn't thought about school in ages?" Jason asked.

"Yeah. I never really thought about what would happen after Dirt Face" Piper said, "I mean, I guess now we're gonna go back to school aren't we? That feels crazy,"

"Damn. Going to school. I'm not gonna lie, I don't even think I really thought I would survive. Two wars just seemed like an extremely low likelihood of us surviving, then that pit place.." Annabeth said trailing off. "Weirdly, though, I kind of want to go to school. I mean, I never really went to one properly, so it would be interesting."

"I didn't even know if any school would take me back. I mean, I got expelled from every school I went to, and something bad already happened at Goode and I wasn't even enrolled for a whole semester," Percy said with a shrug.

"Every school? That's impressive, Percy. I got kicked out of three, that's one of the reasons I landed in that Wilderness school" Piper said. "I think my dad enrolled me at a school in California. Oh, speaking of - Jason, he offered to enroll you. I think the offer extends to you two as well, and I haven't told him not to, but I assumed that Percy would go to Goode and Annabeth with you."

"Thanks Pipes, I'll take him up on that. I probably should get at least a high school education" Jason replied.

"Thanks for the offer as well, but I think Paul pulled some strings for me and Annabeth after we IM'd him a week or so back." Percy pulled some water from outside the bubble and started making shapes with it - a pencil, a backpack then a school bus. "We're going to Goode next week, leaving in a day or two. You both are welcome to visit before you go up to California"

"That sounds great, we'll stop by for some of the infamous 'blue cookies' and to say bye before we leave." Piper said. She checked her watch, "It's pretty late now - Aww look Annabeth looks like she's asleep. We should probably get back to our cabins now.".

Percy looked down to see that Annabeth was indeed asleep, and smiled before picking her up. He floated them back up to the beach, and nodded to Piper and Jason as they ran back to their cabins, before slowly making his way over to the Poseidon Cabin. 

Chiron had given up not letting them sleep together, they had tried it once when every cabin had been rebuilt, so there was no need for people to be sharing cabins, and no one got any sleep that night - except for maybe some of the really heavy sleeping Hypnos kids. 

He placed her on the bed and quickly put on his PJ's, which he opted out on wearing to these excursions because he knew he would never hear the end of it if Jason found out about his Finding Nemo pajamas, before jumping into bed. She rolled over and cuddled into Percy's warmth, and Percy chuckled.

" 'Night Wise Girl" He whispered, before placing a kiss on her forehead and closing his eyes for a - hopefully - dreamless sleep.


For the first time in a long time, they both slept a decent amount, which pleasantly surprised both of them when they woke and saw the sun was out. They looked at each other in disbelief,

"No dreams?" Annabeth said with raised eyebrows. Percy nodded in response, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "Huh. Thats nice. I hope that happens when we're at school, I do not want to be falling asleep in lessons."

"Awww, my little Wise Girl, being the perfect student."

"Oh shut it Kelp Head" She said and slapped his shoulder. He gasped in mock pain and fell back onto the bed withering in pretend agony. Annabeth shook her head fondly at him, "Come on, lets go get breakfast and then we can start packing. You should IM your mom today to say that we're coming." They quickly got changed into camp t-shirts and shorts before running down to the dining pavilion.

Percy had been back to his mom and Paul's apartment a week after the war ended. After many tears and a long explanation of what happened - minus some alarming details, aka skipping over what happened after he and Annabeth fell - they had hung out for the rest of the day before Percy had to go back to camp. 

They told him that they had bought a house, and they were just about to move into it, and so Percy came back a few times, bringing Annabeth, to help them move in. This was when Sally revealed that she was pregnant, and Percy was so excited, Annabeth and Sally were both laughing as he ran around screaming "I'M GONNA BE A BROTHER". 

They also talked about letting Annabeth move in with them, which at first she was hesitant about, but Sally insisted saying "This is how I am thanking you for keeping my son alive - I raised him, and I still don't know how, and I imagine keeping him alive was just as hard". They arranged for Percy and Annabeth to share a room at the top of the house, the floor below being for Sally and Paul and then another room for Estelle.

After breakfast ("Percy, just because you can't drown doesn't mean your pancakes can't!"), they headed back to pack up their stuff, saying a quick goodbye to those still at camp and running up to the Big House to talk to Chiron.

"I have asked Argus to take you to your mothers house in about 20 minutes so you still have a few minutes before you have to leave." He looked down at them fondly, "I will miss you children. Try not to blow up anything, Percy, and Annabeth, have fun. Feel free to IM whenever you want"

Percy smirked, "I'll try - no promises though." Annabeth rolled her eyes and gave Chiron a hug, "We'll visit when we can, Bye Chiron. Thanks for everything."

"My pleasure child. See you soon" he nodded to the two of them and trotted down to the archery range. Percy and Annabeth made their way over to Thalia's tree, where Piper and Jason were waiting to say their goodbyes. They all embraced in one massive group hug, a tear or two being shed.

"We're gonna miss you Superman, Pipes. Stop bye on your way to California, my mom would love to meet you" Percy said as they parted.

"We will, remember to IM!" Piper replied, "I think I see Argus waiting by the van, you should probably get going. We'll tell you if Nico has any updates on Leo"

"Alrighty. See you in a few days - bye Bro!" Jason exclaimed, grabbing Percy in a bro hug, to lighten up the mood. Piper and Annabeth shook their heads with a small smile on their faces as Percy replied with an "Aww don't cry, Bro! I'll miss you too". They turned and walked to Argus, waving as they jumped into the back.

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