Goro Majima : Comfort

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Inside, he glanced in all the aisles, thinking about what he could buy you with a mere grand. Ice cream? Soda? Ramen? He had to put his mind to it. He wasn't going to buy you hot food, since fights seemed to follow him and you could end up with leftovers. Grabbing some eggs, and an instant ramen pot, he knew there was a fresh food market nearby too, where he could pick up some vegetables to add to it. For 400 yen, he'd bought two ingredients for his dish, and had 600 to cover some fresh food so you weren't eating completely cheap garbage. Leaving the store, he hotfooted it into town in order to catch the market before they struck off for lunch. Smells of all kinds hit his nose, the produce looking fantastic on stalls. Majima wasn't much of a cook, but he was certain he could pick up a few things just to add to the ramen. Spring onion was the first thing to come to mind, since it was easy to fry off and full of flavour. Mushroom was similar, and there were some decent looking ones on the shelf. Beansprouts were a must of course, and easy to get hold of as well as fry, too. Counting his money, he had just enough cash to buy some nori seaweed, too. Perfect.

Back in the house, you had fallen asleep, exhausted from your recent trail of bad luck. Your man was quieter this time, tiptoeing past you and heading straight for the kitchen.
First, he had to wash your dishes, so he had room and tools to work with. Wiping your chopping board down properly, he pulled out the knife from his pants, looking it over and thinking about it.
There was a knife block on the window sill, knives actually inside of it. He took a large one, and brought it to the chopping board when he remembered he was supposed to wash the food first!!
"Ugh, ain't no cook, me," he grumbled, peering through to check on you before giving all the vegetables a good old rinse at the newly cleared sink. He guessed that bean sprouts didn't need chopping, but the other things only needed roughly chopping. Amazingly, he was shit with a kitchen knife, despite being a champ at slashing up people.

The frying pan had been cleaned and oiled, and now it was just time to fry off the food. Chucking the vegetables in the pan, he boiled your kettle in the meantime for the instant noodles, remembering the eggs.
"Aw fuck... I need that saucepan."
Collecting the utensil, it was filled up and put on another ring, heating up gently so he could poach you an egg too.
Majima having a goldfish brain meant that he forgot about the vegetables frying, and burned them slightly on one side. Taking them off the heat, the kettle water was poured into the ramen cup, leaving his egg. Cracking each one, the yolk formed a perfect circle. Now the bubbles were rolling off the water, he just had to stir it and tip his egg in. Simple, right?
No. It was not simple. He was shaking as he held the bowl over the whirlpool, worried he might miss the pan or fuck it up. Grumbling, he just tipped it, white, cloud like strings spinning round the yolk and encasing it delicately. Sighing with relief, he now had to time it. Which he hadn't started!
Panicking, he looked at your clock, brain struggling to read the time instantly and forcing him into a frenzy.
"Ahh... Uhh.. Okay, I'll just count 60 seconds... Twice!"
The first count down was easy. But once he got to the second one, he muddled up his numbers, reminded of the ramen heating and messing up his counting. Pulling the egg off the heat, he managed to bring it up with a slotted spoon, it's middle jiggling round like jelly on a plate.
Stupidly, he realised he should have gotten a bowl out first and placed the noodles inside before getting the egg out. Keeping hold of the egg spoon in one hand, he used the other to get a jug, and placed a colander on top in the sink. Slowly but surely, he was able to pour out the water and keep the cooked noodles on top, placing the drained food onto a bowl. Adding his vegetables he had fried earlier, it was a little difficult to stir them in with one hand, but he managed just about, putting the egg on top without a hitch. Huffing, he dried off the washed chopsticks, poking them into his meal, along with a spoon, and looking at it.
Something was missing. The eggs were in the fridge, and he'd left your pans in the sink to steep in water. Pouting, he was about to fuck it off when he saw the seaweed strips on the side. Opening the packet, he slotted two slides of seaweed into the side of his dish, making it look mega. It smelled nice, but only your tastebuds would tell the truth.

Returning, he squatted before you again, patting your face to gently wake you up.
"Hey, I gotcha somethin'."
Sitting up, you mumbled something, but took the food from him anyway as you rubbed your eyes.
Before you could protest, he'd thrown all your rubbish into a bin bag and slid your duvet along and sat beside you, legs spreading wide and taking up half the sofa.
"Now, eat up," he said, smiling, staring as you took the first bite.
"Oh my... What the fuck," you sniffed, fighting back tears. "This is amazing. Where did you get this?"
"Ya like it?"
Huffing a laugh, he watched as you wolfed it down, hungrier than you thought.
"Thank you," you said, leaning over to wrap one arm around his neck, kissing his cheek and handing him the bowl to put on the coffee table. "I'm sorry I didn't call."
"Yer lucky I even remembered where yer key was! I woulda broke in fer ya."
Crawling over, you snuggled under his armpit, the man responding to your touch, gentle and protecting. Kissing your head, he didn't realise how much calmer he made you feel.
"I love you, Majima. Thank you."
Your words made his catch in his throat. He hadn't heard those words so meaningfully, in so long. Reaching over to swipe hair from your face, he adjusted your blanket so it covered you properly.
"I love ya too. Listen, I know it ain't great right now. But, I'm sure it ain't ferever, Doll... Anyway, c'mon. Let's go take a bath. No funny business though, I ain't here fer that!"
You burst out laughing, the thought of taking a strictly wholesome bath with your boyfriend interesting.

Yakuza x Reader (Mainly Majima)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin