47- In Same Room

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"Why are you grinning now? "

"It's been 13 weeks, 88 days, 2112 hours, 126720 minutes, 76032023 seconds since you called me Parthu! I am on cloud-nine right now ",he said, his eyes reflecting with love, care, affection, happiness and contentment.

"And you didn't push me when my hands gripped your waist. You instead asked me the same way, like you used to ask me before with a flushed face", he said with a smile on his face.

By the time my mind registered his words, I was dumbstruck.

When I was about to push him, he left my waist and moved back a little. I looked at him confused.

"We are here. Take your seat Kansha ",he said in a gentlemanly voice moving the chair for me with an amused look on his face.

Shit! How did I not take in the surroundings? The restaurant looked exquisite with its own beauty and luxury. How come whenever he is with me, I forget everything around me? What power does he have over me?

I ordered Machboos, a dish of rice and meat popular in the United Arab Emirates. Parth ordered the same for him with a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon, a red wine made from the Cabernet Sauvignon grape.

 Parth ordered the same for him with a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon, a red wine made from the Cabernet Sauvignon grape

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Why the hell did I ask him to accompany me? Ugh!

'Don't act as if you don't know why you called him? And don't act as if you're not happy with your decision.'

'Just shut up.'

"Have you planned anything for the trip? ",he asked.


"Oh! Do you have anything on your mind? "

Yes. The top most view of Burj Khalifa! But I won't say it aloud.

"No ",I said instead, shaking my head.

The time soon passed with light conversation with Parth trying to speak and me cutting my words curtly.

Why is he trying hard? Isn't he fed up with me?

'Really? Then who got jealous when Erica was speaking with Parth?' the inner me mocked.

I was not jealous. It's just that he is the only one with whom I am familiar with in this country. And all others would throw cold shoulders at me because of the one and only Parth Saxton.

'You keep on bluffing; one day Parth will be fed up with you and will go and commit with someone who will love him', the voice said, making me shocked.

What the heck? Just shut up!

Will he do that?

I looked at him to see him looking at me concerned.

"Are you okay? "

Shit! Did I speak loud? Oh God! Please make me disappear somewhere else. His scrutinizing stare is making me shiver.

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