36. Swipe top right, swipe bottom right

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"Eddy.. you swiped to the top right to meet someone, me, from the future."


"I swiped to the bottom right to meet someone, you, from the past."

"...Is this some kinda joke ?"


"Brett, couldn't you tell it was me from my profile pic?"

"Your photo was pixelated."

"...yeah come to think about it, so was your photo!"

"Yeah, the app does that with matches across time dimensions."

"...this has to be some sick joke."

"No, Eddy, I swear, here, have a look at my phone."

Brett showed Eddy his iPhone. Its display showed the date: 9th of Feb, 2031. Eddy flipped over the phone and it said iPhone 20.

Eddy smirked.

"An iPhone 20?? No f*cking way."

"No joke, Eddy. Like I said, I'm 38 years old."

Eddy peered into Brett's face again.

"F*ck Brett, you've aged well. You'd pass as 28."

"Um, thanks????"

"And.. I'm in 2021.. Look, my phone says so.."

"What is that ? An iPhone 12? Wow, I remember those."

"Oh stop gadget flexing. So, Brett, what year are we actually in now ???"

"Um... limbo."


"Yeah, we actually can't interact with anyone else in this dimension."

"This.. is too weird. How come you know all this ?"

"When they do these matches across time dimensions, it's the job of the one from the future to explain stuff to the person from the past."

"Oh... I guess cos I'm too primitive to understand it, huh."

"Well, I suppose you are from a more primitive dimension than mine."

"Are you guys serious? Are you guys with this new technology really expecting people to have relationships like this? Like across time dimensions ??"

"Well... , I suppose it depends on what kind of relationship you're after. What exactly were you after Eddy?

"I.... I don't know.. No!! Look, I wasn't after a quick.. y'know, if this was meant to be for that. I would've wanted to get to know the person first...Look, I didn't even know what swiping top right meant..!! "

"Hmm, point taken."

"What about you Brett? You knew what you were getting yourself into when you swiped bottom right, didn't you?"

"... I was just curious..Your pic reminded me of you. OMG that sounds so stupid."

"Reminded you of me? Why didn't you just look me up in your time dimension then ??"

Brett froze.

"I can't tell you.. but I can't."

Eddy went pale.

"Oh my god I'm not dead in 2031, am I !??"

Brett looked horrified.

"No!!! Oh god no, I'm sorry Eddy, I didn't mean to scare you like that, it's not anything like that. Let's just say... it's a little too late for me to do so. But I can't tell you details."

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