Chapter 28: ➢ What In The Duke Of Hastings?

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My heartbeat hammered in my ears at the close proximity of his god carved face, my thoughts frantically rewinding back to the times I had felt his lips on mine. "Fuck," He cursed angrily, taking a whiff of my breath. Damn is my breath really that bad? "What the fuck did he give you?"


"You know who," He replied in a stoic voice. I thought for a small moment, tapping my free index finger on my chin. Wait a does Xavier know I was with Argent?

"Bootleg Raspberry Fanta," I nodded in affirmation at myself as I explained to him the weird drink I had indulged myself in.

"Did you not taste the vodka?" I could see his jaw clench, making his cheekbones look more define. He was clearly ticked off, but hubba hubba this man is fine.

"The what the what what?" I blinked, not paying attention through my moment of eye raping him. Vodka...? I stared at Xavier in confusion as he searched my eyes for any indication of what was going through my head.

Here's a thought, Travis Scott said 'legs wrapped around my beard'...but Travis doesn't have a whose beard was it?!

Xavier sighed in exasperation before placing his free hand on my face, his thumb on one cheek as the rest of his fingers pressed on the other one . My face started immediately steaming and burning up at his touch as I tried so hard not to burst into flames of blushing. Instead, I watched quietly as he turned my head in all different directions, scrutinizing me, "Did he hurt you, Skyler?" He asked finally after confirming there were no injuries on me that he could see in plain sight.

I shook my head to confirm I was actually unharmed until my eyes lighting up in realization as I quickly straightened up out of his hold, "Xavier! I met an old friend of yours!" I exclaimed, clapping my hands as I stared at his emotionless face.

"Yes Skyler I know," His jaw ticket as he gazed up, breaking eye contact from me, sort of like in frustration, before continuing to hold my gaze again.

Was he psychic?!

"How did you know?!" I gasped, cupping my hand over my mouth in exaggerated dramatics.

He glanced away from me for a long moment and I could see the hint of guilt gleaming from the side of his eyes. Xavier...was guilty...? What the duck is happening?! "Where is the ticket?" He questioned, changing the topic immediately much to my confusion.

How does he know about the ticket?! Was Xavier secretly Lady Whistledown?!

I pouted, narrowing my eyes in suspicion before slowly reaching into my jacket pocket for the small envelope Argent had bestowed me with. He took it off me and flicked it open, sliding the black ticket out of it. He gave it a quick scan before pushing it back in the envelope.

"Don't lose it okay?" He told me and I nodded obediently, watching his stroll to my connected kitchen before tossing it on the bench. I stood in the middle of my living room, watching Xavier saunter back as I tiredly rubbed my eyes. He met my intent gaze for a brief moment before he turned to the door. "I'm leaving," He told me over his shoulder before reaching for the doorknob.

I panicked, not wanting him to go off again and not see him for a while. "Wait wait wait!" I wailed, making a break for the door, trying to barricade it shut with my body before he could leave.

Unfortunately, I have the lateral stability of a Jenga Tower.

"Xavier!" I squeaked as the world started spinning. He turned around upon hearing me lose my footing, but it was way too late. I watched his eyes widened as I barrelled towards him like a stampede.

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