"I can walk just fine on my own thank you Mr. Kim." Rose growled. 

"If I put you down will you act like an adult and leave the poor kitchen staff alone?" He mused.

"Yes..." Rose mumbled. 

"We both know that's bullshit, try harder next time." Namjoon chuckled. 

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He put her down in the elevator before they got to the lobby, so they wouldn't draw too much attention. 

"I'm gonna get you back for that somehow." Rose pouted next to him. 

"It's moments like these when you act like a toddler, that I actually remember that you're younger than Gguk." Joon sighed. 

"I'm not a child. I'm 23(Korean age)" She spat at him.

"Mmhm...Ok." Namjoon raised an eyebrow.

"Stop enjoying this so much." She squeaked at him. 

"I gotta enjoy it while I can, you hardly ever get flustered and act like a child." 

"I- I just got something on my mind and was trying to distract myself." Rose said quietly, her mood changing in an instant.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He changed quickly too, grabbing her in a side hug.

"I don't know what's going on with Jungkook. Ever since I talked to him before breakfast he has just been different, like he's avoiding me. He never does that, he's normally a clingy bitch. I could also see during your breakfast filming that he was faking his emotions. Joonie I'm just worried, I can normally feel him and his energy. But now I can't, I just don't understand." Rose began to panic a little. 

"Hey...Rose, you gotta calm down. Come here." He said with open arms.

She buried her face in his chest and breathed in his scent. Rose loved Namjoon like a big brother and they rarely had skinship cause Joon typically wasn't touchy, so when he offered hugs, she took them without question. He gave the best hugs because he often exuded a calming aura around him and it made her relax a little. 

(A/N: I am not certain what I want my story Joon to smell like, but I get a feeling that he smells like books, paper, and ink. But also something manly like a tree smell and smoky, so perhaps a fireplace. Those are comforting and calming scents in my mind, so there ya go. Namjoon smell.)

"Thank you, I needed that." Rose exhaled, pulling away from him. 

"I'm always here if you need me." He gave her his trademark dimpled smile. 

They put on their masks and headed out to the car, where the other members were waiting. 

"Rose." Tae smiled when the door opened, and he grabbed her as soon as she got in the car. 

The only problem being that there wasn't enough space for her to sit forwards on his lap or in another seat, as they were all taken, she would need to sit sideways. Unfortunately Yoongi was next to them. Rose still hadn't talked to him yet since their breakfast fiasco from a few days prior. She didn't know that Yoongi had spoken with the boys and he wasn't mad at her as she thought he was. He was just grossed out for a little while. He wanted to talk to her alone beforehand, but hadn't had the chance. 

They made awkward eye contact for a second before Yoongi grabbed Rose's legs and threw them onto his lap with a pained sigh. 

"Yoongi - hyung?" She nervously asked. 

He mouthed 'talk later' to her and gave her a tiny smile. Rose put her palm lightly on his cheek and Yoongi actually smiled bigger. He grabbed her palm and quickly kissed it before placing it back in her lap. He mindlessly began to massage her calves like a cat would knead, and Rose drifted off to sleep. She still slept a lot more after her injury as the doctors said she would, and she'd fall asleep just about anywhere. 

Tae slid her down his chest a little and her legs went past Yoongi's lap; her feet in Kookie's. JK looked to see that she was indeed asleep before taking off her shoes and massaging her feet. 

(A/N: So I'm kinda putting this section in Joon's POV. If anything after this note seems a little off, its because I wrote it when I was still stoned. [Weed is legal to buy recreationally where I live once you are 21 years of age, so I'm not doing it illegally.] I don't know why I'm mentioning all of this shit. It's almost 3am...I have to work in 13 hours...ugh.  This has been stoned friendly babbling from your Author-nim GEM. )

Namjoon had been studying Jungkook's behavior since Rose mentioned that the maknae was a little off. He did notice that Kook seemed to try to not look in her direction since they got in the car. This of course was strange for him because Rose was usually the center point of his attention. He knew how absolutely smitten the maknae was with Rose, so this was certainly cause for concern. He made a mental note to talk with Jungkook when he had the chance. He also noticed that when Rose had fallen asleep, JK proceeded to rub her feet and smile at her. So even though he was avoiding her, it didn't have anything to do with him not caring for the girl anymore. 

He quietly sat deep in thought the entire ride to the building that held their meeting. 

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