Part 13 - The birth : Here she is 👶🏻💕

Start from the beginning

"Trust me lad, I won't be lookin' so ya' don't have to worry about me. I'd rather not see my best mates bits.. like at all." Louis snorted , moving closer to stroke Zayn's shoulder.

"I-I appreciate you bein' here Lou." Zayn panted , struggling to look up from Harry's chest, but needing his best friend to know.

"I know you do mate, just focus on getting this little girl out alright?" Louis assured.

Harry smiling at the donny lad softly. Zayn was lucky to have such a supportive friend. It helped knowing he was there when Harry wasn't.

"Hmmm mum! Mum it's getting worse!" Zayn groaned , screeching through his teeth as a contraction hit from out of nowhere. Now his waters had broken the pain was like a burning hot vice squeezing at his every muscle. The baby's head pressing right against his cervix in the most painful way, why do people willingly go through this?!

"I know honey, once the waters have gone it's all a big step up. Bella is two minutes away though so don't you worry! There won't be any emergency delivery needed from us." Trisha soothed.

"I can't do this without Bella! I can't ." He moaned , the pain lasting a whole minute more compared to the last.

"You won't have to Zayn, listen to me! She's coming! I swear she is... right now though you need to breathe! This is a long one." Harry instructed.

"F-fuck - I n-need .. I-shit." Zayn cried collapsing to all fours once more as he rocked with the pain .
"I-I need Pain relief !" He sobbed,  "Please." Zayn really didn't care that he was begging , he was in agony here .

He probably looked absolutely ridiculous moaning , groaning and sweating but who could blame him. This whole having a baby thing really hurt . He thought he'd be so much more in control than he was.  He'd watched countless videos of men and women in labour and all of them had been like this. He made a promise to himself that he would at least try and keep it together but right now he was failing!

"You'll get some Z! I promise you ." Harry spoke helping the labouring man up to his feet . "Here come on rest against me, we'll rock together."

"Shit , she's dropped so much!" The younger lad groaned bending forwards slightly.

"She will do baby boy, let's get you moving a bit more huh?" His mum said gently , hand moving to his back as Louis grabbed his birthing ball and carried it over to them.

"I-i don't want to go on the stupid ball." He breathed with a shaky chuckle. He felt ridiculous even rocking like this, there was no way he was getting on that.

"Oh come on! It'll be a laugh!" Louis protested, sitting down on the ball himself to jump up and down, making sure to hold on to his hips for dramatic effect.

"I-oh god." Zayn laughed, despite the endless pain racking through his exhausted figure.
"W-what the hell Lou!"

"I'm making use of the equipment! If you're not going to one of us may as well!" Louis chuckled.

"Well this looks like a happy labouring team!" Bella's voice suddenly chirped! All of them looking up to see her and her bags stuffed in the doorway.

"You must be Bella! Hi! I'm Anne! I'm the other grandmother." Anne quickly introduced herself.

"Lovely to meet you! I'm guessing this is Harry you're using as a human tree , Zayn?" Bella giggled , moving into the room with Anne's help.

"Y-yeah this is Haz." Zayn replied shakily, soft whimpers leaving his mouth as his back twinged once again. All his previous laughter disappearing.

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