I was beginning to get a little nervous. But a good nervous. This is the first dance I've ever been to.

My mom came back and she started messing with my hair. After 3 minutes of messing around she took a step back examined it and let out a sigh.

"Perfect." She said smiling softly at me and rubbing my chin.

Honestly it was sending butterflies into my stomach. And I felt my face get a little hot.

My mother hasn't acted like this towards me in such a long time. So I wasn't used to it all that much.

I did enjoy this though.

The door bell rang. Not just once... Multiple times.

"Didn't I tell you to tell him about the doorbell?" My mom said to me. But she didn't sound irritated.

I laughed and my dad opened the door.

"Eren, come on in." My dad opened up for Eren.

"Thank you Mr L/N. I hope you evening has been going well." Eren said smiling at my dad.

He came in and he looked absolutely amazing.

He wore a slim fit suit. It hugged his body nicely. 

I blushed when I saw him. 

When he first walked in he looked really unsettled and worried. But once he saw me, he looked like he calmed down.

He looked at me with such kind eyes. Adoring eyes. Eyes that admired me.

"Hey buttercup. You look beautiful." He said smiling softly at me.

"Thank you, You look good too." I said starting to get shy.

After Eren hugged me, he looked towards my mom.

"Ah Mrs L/N, looking as lovely as ever. I hope I'm not intruding into your personal space." Eren said sounding ever so innocent.

Which cause my dad to chuckle. My dad was aware that Eren likes to push my mom's buttons. Along with pressing the door bell repeatedly.

"Not at all Eren." She said smiling at him.


"Woah... You didn't even call me the good for nothing boyfriend. Are you feeling ok?? Do you need to sit down?? Maybe some soup? I think you're gonna cause a snow storm to approach with you being nice to me." He chuckled. And I laughed at it too.

My mom was being nice. And I wasn't really sure why. But I liked it.

Honestly, this was a great start to my evening. And it hasn't even been a whole hour around people.

"We'd love to stay But we have a dance to attend to. Are you ready buttercup?" Eren asked me with a smile.

"Yeah, I'm ready." I said smiling and taking a hold of his arm.

"You guys have a nice time. Drive safely. And don't bring her back oh so late. I wait up for her." My dad called out to Eren.

"Will do sir. I'll have her home at a reasonable time." He said to my dad.

My dad hugged me before we departed for Eren's car.

"Have fun My little love bug. I hope you have a great night." He said into my ear.

He hasn't called me that since I was younger. I felt so happy. Overwhelmed with positive emotions. It was great.

I looked at my dad who looked like he was ready to cry.

I smiled at him.

Eren led me to his car. He opened the door for me and let me in, closing it after I was completely in.

Once Eren got in he started up the car. There was light snow around. It hasn't snowed in a few days. And it didn't look like it was going to snow on the forecast.

My parents were in the door way and waved at us as Eren pulled away.

"This is the first time he's called me Love Bug since I was younger." I said to Eren smiling pretty widely.

"You know its obvious they care about you. Especially your mom, she just has a different way of expressing it. Your dad on the other hand, he expresses That out in the open. He shows it loud and proud." He said while reaching for my hand.

We pulled up to the school.

Eren was obviously nervous about something. He looked a little out of it.

"Eren, is everything ok?" I asked him, sounding concerned.

"Yeah everything is fine. Sorry, I've just been feeling out of it." He said still not sounding reassuring.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked.

He stared at me for a moment or two.

"No no it's ok. I'll be ok. Just know that I care deeply about you and you mean so much to me. And I mean that." Eren said softly with a weak smile.

"I know you do." I said smiling at him.

"Shall we go in then?" Eren asked a little more enthusiastically.

"Yeah let's go." I said smiling.

We exited the car. Hand in hand.

I was feeling nervous. But a good nervous.

My first ever dance.

And it's with Eren.

And a whole group of friends who care about me.

I couldn't ask for anything more.

All A Joke (Eren X Reader) {Modern AU}Where stories live. Discover now