c h a p t e r 2 9 : finding out

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liked by @realtonystark, @misspotts, @malfoydraco and 5, 463, 872 others

starkpotts the little princess pea loves Hogsmead snow

view all 564, 786 comments

@redhead: oh she looks so cute and look at that she's wearing the beanie James picked out for her!

@mionegranger: she looks like a snow princess

@yourangel: aww! She looks so cute and Faith misses her very much

@liciaspinns: as do little Lilz as well

@hannabbott: A girls play date!

1 hour ago

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Athena's POV:

I watched as Cass frolicked around the snow the first thing we apparated in Hogsmead. "Careful now little pea." I said.

She giggled, "Yeah Mama." She mumbled as she bended down and threw snow in the air. I smiled as she giggled, "Mama look! Snows!" she yelled and I chuckled.

"Yes it is little Cassio." I said with a grin as I crouched in front of her. She cupped my cheeks as I stared at her blue grey eyes. She beamed behind me and walked around me.

I turned around and saw Snow there sitting on the snow. Cass ran to her and hugged her, the cat meowed and licked her face. I smiled as my daughter giggled when suddenly we heard a familiar laugh. We both turned and smiled.

"Daddy!" she yelled. I stood up and picked up Morgan's cat. I turned to Cass and saw her put her arms up and made grab hands in her mittens. "Up daddy! Up!" she grumbled.

Draco beamed at her and smirked, "Now what do we have here?" he teased and Cass stomped her feet, "Is me daddy! Cassio!" she yelled and pouted. My heart melted as Draco's smirk fell and he smiled at her with so much love.

"We'll see about that." Draco continued the joke and picked her up. He then showered her with kisses and she giggled. "Daddy!" Cass yelled and tried to push Draco's face away.

He stopped and pouted at her, "You didn't miss me little pea?" he asked. My daughter gasped and hugged him, "I miss you daddy!" she yelled and I laughed, "Alright. How about we go inside where its warm." I said.

Cass looked at me, "But I love snow mama." She said. I smiled, "I know but daddy will buy you some gillywater." I said as I petted Snow. She beamed and bounced in his arms as we walked to the Three Broomsticks.

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