c h a p t e r 2 5 : missing?

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willy just walking around


1 hour ago

»»————- ♡ ————-««

Third Person POV

The day of Halloween has finally arrived. Mike, Will, Morgan, Lucas, Archer, Max and Jules had all been planning their big prank for this day and they were excited about this.

The pranking trio woke up early to start with the first phase of the prank. They sneaked into the kitchens and the elves immediately flocked around them.

Mike smiled, "Hello there!" he greeted. The elves looked at them with wide eyes. "What can we help you with?" Winky asked. Morgan smiled, "We need help with a prank." She said.

The elves stopped and looked at each other. Their minds were working, some not sure, some were excited, remembering not only the twins and Athena Stark but more remembered the Marauders.

The little creatures nodded and Will sighed, "Alright. We need you to..."

»»————- ♡ ————-««

In breakfast, everyone was there except for the trio. Draco was looking around for them when suddenly there screams.

The staff stood up and looked horrified. Around the table mixed with the food were fake eyeballs, worm salad, cockroach sandwiches and much more.

Draco and Harry shared a look and then looked to Remus and Sirius whose mouths were open. The Malfoy veteran shook his head and pursed his lips as he tried looking for the Stark girl.

Sirius then stood up and threw his hands in the air. He was staring at Remus, "WHY DIDN'T WE THINK OF THAT?!" the professor yelled. Remus' face turned red and shook his head.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

The second phase of the prank was in place as Lucas and Archer walked around the castle hiding some dungbomb traps around. Snow the cat found herself following the duo, grazing their legs ever so often as they place the dungbombs around the castle.

Jules and Max were levitating some buckets of water above some archways and staircases.

After they finished the girls were waiting outside the Great Hall door while the boys were adding some more dungbombs.

They heard a cough and when they turned there stood Joe and Gavin narrowing their eyes at them. The teens held the boys arms as they walked to the girls.

The girls were with Nancy and Clarke having a normal conversation when the boys saw them. Joe immediately stopped and was staring at Nancy.

Before anyone could notice, they heard the students scream. The kids smirked at each other and shrugged at the teens.

Suddenly, across the hall they saw Duncan and Logan drenched in water. "Oh look Logan, your sister." Duncan said with a smirk. Jules gulped, "You're right there Duncan. Let's give her a hug." Logan said with a smirk.

Jules started to walk backwards as her brother and best friend ran after her. "Aww poor Jules." Archer said.

"Umm Arch." Joe said and motioned behind him. The boy turned and there he saw mad Emma, Jack and Amelia glaring at him. "We better run. NOW!" Lucas said as he pulled Archer away.

"Pansies." Max said with a scoff. Behind the teens, were Noelle Lancaster and Rianne Calder-Poole shaking their heads. "They are idiots." They said.

Nancy turned to Max, "Where's the despicable trio?" she asked. Max shrugged, "They had their own thing to do. They didn't want to tell us." She said.

Nancy looked at Clarke who was already rolling her eyes.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

Dinner had arrived and the kids have noticed that the trio wasn't back yet. "Where are they?" Jules asked worriedly.

Max sighed, "Mr. Malfoy is starting to notice." She whispered as she motioned to the high table. Draco was looking around and sighed. Lucas sighed and leaned in, "Listen, maybe this is part of their prank. They'll be back before the party." He said.

Suddenly Glenn walks up to them and everyone raised their eyebrows at him. "I'm not here to cause trouble." He said.

Duncan pursed his lips, "Then why are you here?" he asked. Jules furrowed her eyebrows at her best friend and nudged him, "Don't be rude." She said.

She looked at Glenn who sent her a small smile, "I just, I was walking around the grounds and I saw this. Isn't this Morgan's? he asks.

The kids froze when they saw what the Slytherin was holding; Morgan's wand. Snow hissed and then jumped down the bench and walked to Draco who sat at the high table watching the group.

only for the brave (Book 3: Morgan Stark x OC)Where stories live. Discover now