I love you but...

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Y/n's Pov:
This is tense... like, really tense. This may seem like an easy decision based on the circumstances but it's not. My dad raised me and also tried to fill in for my mom when she died, but he is the reason that she is gone and Zack... well he makes me feel things that no one else ever could, he makes me glad to be alive but he is a murderer that's wanted by the police with a dangerously high kill count. I don't know how I'm going to go about this decision and who I'm going to stick with but either way this could change my life, but I've only got until tomorrow to decide. Everything is happening so fast, I don't know how to take it.

Zack's Pov:
I could lose her. I could lose the love of my life because of her stupid ass father of hers. How the fuck am I supposed to carry on without her. She's practically saved my fucking life! If it wasn't for her then I would've committed suicide. Y/n is the only reason that I'm still going but if she chooses her psycho of a dad or he fucking manipulates her into choosing him then I might as well be dead anyway. I know I'm being over dramatic, I don't give a shit because that girl is my everything believe it or not and I would rather be six feet under than without her.

D/n's Pov:
I really do hope that Y/n chooses me. At least then she'll have some sort of security that she will never have with a twisted killer like Zack. At the end of the day he is on high alert by the police and he has killed multiple people, there is absolutely no way that Y/n would be stupid enough to go with him because spending a future with that would just be moronic am I right.

Y/n's Pov:
I have made my decision

Time skip to the next day brought to you by Eddie's graves~

"Zack! Dad! Can you both come here! I've made my decision!" I announced to them both as they were glaring at each other at the sofa. All I know is that my life is about to change from the choice I've made. Both of them are now sitting at the kitchen counter desperately awaiting for me to tell them who I'm going to stay with. Well here goes nothing.
"So Y/n, I bet this was the easiest decision you've ever had to make." My dad snickered. Seriously he's acting like some jumped up schoolgirl.
"Babe, just know that this shit storm of a decision is going to fucking change everything." Zack piped up. He seems genuinely worried.
"Well as you both know, the man to my right yes that's you dad has forced me to decide who I'm going to stay with. Now I love both of you with all of my heart and having to leave the side of one of you is killing me but I'm only doing this so the pain can end. I love you both dearly but there's only one person who can truly protect me and make me feel properly safe and secure from danger. So dad,"
"Yes Y/n!" My dad chimed, getting his hopes up.
"I'm leaving and starting a life with Zack."

570 words
Next chapter could get messy
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