Chapter 27: ➢ My Stupid Feathery Ass

Start from the beginning

Argent distracted himself, pouring himself a glass of the whiskey he so loved to drink while I pondered on my seat.

There were so many things I was confused about, so many questions I had left unanswered. I needed to find out, and if Xavier was in no position to tell me, maybe Argent had some insight that I could ask for.

"E-Excuse me," I called forth his attention, nervously swirling the drink in the glass, "Do you mind answering a few questions please?"

He laughed, "Of course,"

"Um- how do you know Xavier? He doesn't talk about you often," I questioned trying not to let the nervousness seep through my voice, "Or anyone for that matter," I muttered under my breath.

"Oh? That's a surprise, considering Xavier has been looking for me for a while now," Argent chuckled to himself. Looking for him? Wait. Xavier has been only looking for one person since I got kidnapped. Only one man.

No. He can't be.

"I take it you know what I'm talking about," Argent laughed at the color slowly draining from my face. I didn't speak. I couldn't. This was the guy Xavier was looking for. Argent was the he. I was sitting in the mansion of the guy Xavier Dante most wanted dead in this world.

Oh my god, I'm an idiot.

Argent continued, understanding I was at a loss for words to speak, "Dante was 14 the last time I saw him and he left me with a small parting gift," His voice darkened and I felt my stomach knot into a ball. "Would you like to see?"

I gulped but didn't say anything. Argent took that as a sign of acceptance before slowly straightening himself on the sofa he was sitting on. For the first time, his rugged face came into the light and I almost felt myself scream at the sight.

There was a huge, ugly scar running vertically down the side of his face. Beginning at his forehead down to the middle of his cheek, and right through his left eye. I could tell from the difference in color from his dark brown right eye to his almost white left eye that he could not see out of it.

14-year-old Xavier...did that?

It all started making sense. Argent was the man Xavier spent his whole life tracking down. He wanted Argent dead. The party he was talking about was this one. That means Argent was the person who...

"H-His parents," The words barely made it out of my mouth as I tried not to jump out the nearest window and hope that I fly. A big smirk painted itself on Argent's face as he nodded.

"I killed his parents," 

Oh my god.

"Why?" I whispered, trying to comprehend the situation. Argent killed Xavier's parents. The same murder that killed Gabriel's little sister, Anika. Words couldn't describe the punch in the gut I felt at the unfolding of the truth.

"You see, Miss Brooklynn. The Dante family had been a rich and powerful bloodline for centuries and they worked behind the scenes to rack in billions upon billions using whatever means necessary." Argent explained, lighting himself a cigar as he continued his blood-curdling storytime.

"James Dante, Xavier's grandfather, and I used to be in the same line of work, almost partners actually, but his successor, Xavier's father, didn't want anything to do with the family fortune and planned to sell the estate to keep their precious little boy from following the dirty ways of the family, and you see," He paused for a moment, an evil glint bubbling in his gaze, "I just couldn't let that happen,"

Xavier's parents didn't want him to be a gang leader. They wanted him to live a normal life, away from the family works. They died trying to keep Xavier away from it.

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