46 - Trip to U.A.E.

Start from the beginning

I took my handbag and walked towards gate two slowly.

'Just ignore it. You are going to the U.A.E. only for the exhibition and to explore the place yourself', I said to myself trying not to think about that one particular person.

"Welcome Ma'am ",the hostess welcomed me warmly with a huge smile plastered on her face when I entered the flight.

Luckily to my relief, I got the window seat. I then placed my bag in the overhead compartment.

'In plane', I messaged both Kryz and Sam.

'Safe journey.. Mwaahhh!! Call as soon as you reach there. Sam bro is driving and he wished the same to say to you ',Kryz messaged popped out the next moment.

'Mwaaah!! Will call you both for sure ',I messaged back.

My hand stopped at his name. 'My Parthu', the name flashed on the screen. This was the first time I saw his contact after that painful day. I used to get his message daily. But I didn't have the heart and strength to open it and read. He used to send a message in the morning and before going to bed, which would notify me everyday. But today there was no message from him in the notification. I guess he was fed up with me. What else was I expecting from him? Whenever my heart softens up, he throws a big bomb, hurting me more. I don't have the strength to block or delete his contact. And I don't know why his contact name has not been changed by me. One day! My feelings will dine one day and I am sure I will forget him. And I will be able to live my life. But why can't I?

Everyone tells me to forget him and enjoy my life but no one knows how much I die inside. I used to say I was fine to everyone but I never said it didn't hurt. Each second without him makes me go crazy inside. But I don't have the goddammit strength to give him another chance. The memories I had with him were very pure and close to my heart. But--- now when I got to know that everything was an act to him, those memories hit me pretty hard. I know that he has apologized to me for everything in front of everyone which is a big thing coming from him. But what if--- what if something like this happens in the future, will he leave me again?

The most difficult task in life is removing someone from your heart. It's damn difficult. It's highly impossible. Even though the feelings of him were fake for me at that time, those moments can never be faked.

"Ma'am ",the air hostess called me, making me come out from my thoughts. "Are you feeling comfortable ma'am? ",she asked with a concerned face. I must have looked ugly with tear-filled eyes and a sullen look. "I am fine ",I muttered.

Even though she didn't believe me, she respected my privacy much to my relief. "Will you please switch off your phone? The flight is about to take off in a few minutes ",she instructed with a smile on her face.

"Yeah, sure ",I said and switched off my phone and kept it aside.

"Passengers, Flight 245 B is about to take off. Wear your seat belts", the voice of the captain was heard.

I then wore the seatbelt and leaned on the seat, closing my eyes tight. I have travelled a lot in the plane but the take off and touchdown will always cause an unknown fear in my heart. I gripped the handle of the seat tight, closing my eyes. I must deviate my mind from this thought. What sho---

But then I felt a warm hand on mine making me stiffen. I opened my eyes fast to see him sitting beside me, staring at me with a handsome smile charming his features. He came!

My heart fluttered with unknown happiness. As if sensing my thoughts, his grin grew bigger and intertwined both his and my hands.

"Don't feel scared. I will be with you all the time ",he said, his eyes twinkling with delight.

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