35. One long night

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"Carlisle" I sighed down the phone after he told me that I had to stay with Jacob tonight
"You need some time away from Bella and Edward Ivy" he replied
"But- I, we are going to miss training"
"I think you are very well trained, please stay with Jacob dear..."
"But— he... ugh do I have to? Cant I just come home?"
He laughed a little "you have been dying to see him all week, we had to get Jasper to stop you from missing him so much—"
"He used his power on me!" I huffed
"Yes, and it helped a lot. Now you need to catch up with him and enjoy your night... I promise you if anything changes we will call you okay?"
"Fine..." I hung up on him and walked back into the house

"So..?" Jacob was instantly up and facing me
"I'm staying - but no longer than the night" I warned
"Understood" he nodded his head slightly before smashing his lips onto mine making me melt, the kiss earlier today was needy but this one was filled will lust and love.
"Okay Jake" I sighed pulling away "calm down"
"Sorry, I just— I missed you" he sat himself back on the sofa pulling me with him
"You already said that earlier" I sighed resting my head onto his shoulder
"There's no rule about me saying it twice" he shrugged, grabbing the TV remote and putting on a football game
I rolled my eyes and stood up "what do you want for dinner?"
"What?" He glanced at me quickly before snapping his head back to the TV
"What, would, you, like, to, eat?" I repeated but slower this time
"Oh uh anything will do"
"Right" I walked into the kitchen and started making a simple meal for him, but as I was making it Alice facetimed me.

"is everything okay Alice?" I asked, still preparing the food
"Well it is now... You didn't tell me you were going off to see Jacob! I stopped seeing your future, I got scared" she sighed, resting her phone on her vanity
"You should of asked Carlisle, it was his idea to make me stay with him tonight" I chuckled lightly
"where are you?"
"I have no idea, I just know it's a little beach house that the Wolfs own"
"oh... do you want me to come find you? and bring you home?"
"no, no it's okay, I should stay and enjoy some time with him without you lot"
she shot me a disapproving look "He might kill you"
this made me look deeply into her eyes and shake my head "Alice that's not going to happen, and you know that's not what I meant by 'enjoy some time'!"
"Alice leave her alone..." I heard Jasper sigh as he walked into frame "Sorry Ivy, we couldn't stop her from calling"
"It's fine Jazz, she was just worried, nothing wrong with that" I smiled as I put the food into the oven
"I hope your not going to eat that.." Alice's voice came over much harsher than I'd like to imagine
"Of course not Alice, it's for Jake"
"Good... well... uh I guess I'll leave you now... please call me if anything happens"
"Yeah I know" I rolled my eyes "Bye!"
"Bye Ivs!"

I let out a huff as the oven dinged "that was quick"
I pulled out the food and plated it nicely before carrying it into the living room for him
"Here Jake" I handed it to him with only a nod in return.
"Yeah.. your welcome" I sighed as I threw myself on the other end of the corner sofa.

I sat there for the entire game in silence, with a few brief yells from Jacob, If I was at home I would at least be included by Emmett some how. But now the game was over and Jacob was snapping back into reality, He got up and sat himself next to me, his arm instantly draping behind me.
"So what are we going to do?" He asked
I shrugged, not really having any ideas
he was silent for a second as his arms found there way to snake to my hips, pulling me onto his lap
"I know what I want to do" he smirked slightly
I laughed, but then realised he was serious "Oh, no, no Jacob we cant, we cant"
"why not" he started to kiss down my neck
"Jacob... you know why we cant"
he hummed against my skin
"Jakey... we can't risk it"
"it's part of the fun" he mumbled
"We could seriously hurt eachother..." I started to play with his hair
"I couldn't hurt you."
"but you wouldn't try to, that's the problem"
he lifted himself back up and looked me in the eyes
"we'll be careful"
"Jake" I sighed just as he picked me up again and sat me next to him
"fine, we'll just watch a movie then" he harshly grabbed the remote and put on the first movie he saw on there.
"your not mad at me are you jake?" I asked, trailing my cold hand down his tonned stomach
"Nope" he hummed, clearly unamused
"You sure?" I peered closer to him and stared for a second
"I'm not mad Ivy" he shook his head before uncomfortably wrapping his arm around my shoulder and shifted in his place.
I sighed and stayed where I was, I didn't pay attention to the TV, only Jake's very loud thoughts, he was angry after all as he was clearly cussing me out in his head. I didn't want to carry on listening, its an invasion of privacy really, but he was too loud. I just needed to get to another room.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2021 ⏰

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