34. Day off

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2 weeks later...

I haven't spoken to Jacob all since Edward decided he was going to be staying with Bella during the fight

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I haven't spoken to Jacob all since Edward decided he was going to be staying with Bella during the fight. Jasper found it smart to spend even more time training which meant none of us had any free time, that's how busy we are with training, and it seemed like when ever we would call each other one of us would be to busy to answer. Because of this I thought I should head down to La Push for a while, so I can see him.
When I got to La Push, the air instantly felt tense the closer I got the Emily and Sams house. Though I kept walking, I knew there would be a pack meeting today- that's why it's a day off. As I approached a corner I heard voices, so I stopped, just far enough that I could hear them, but not to close, otherwise they'd smell me...

"Jacob, do you think this is going to go on much longer?" A girls voice demanded, seeming impatient and whiney.
"Jump off a cliff, Leah" Jacobs voice shot back in a immensely calm tone, but at the same time really annoyed
"Really kid?" The girl, I could now picture after knowing her name, replied, ignoring Jacob. "You have no idea how hard this is for me"
"For you?" Jacobs voice lowered "You have to be the most self-absorbed person alive! And I'd hate to shatter the dream world you live in, you know the one where the sun is orbiting the place where you stand, so I won't tell you how very little I care what your problem is, now go. away." The conversation was strange, though I kept listening, I wanted to know why Jacob seems so, upset? Or angry? And I want to know what this Leah girl is talking about.

"Just look at this from my perspective for a minute, okay?" She asked as if he didn't say anything. It seemed as if she was trying to break Jacob out of his horrible mood, which worked as he started laughing.
"Stop snorting and pay attention," she snapped at him
I heard him inhale deeply "if I pretend to listen to you Leah, will you please leave me alone?"
She didn't say anything for a while, I thought about walking out and breaking it up, but I just know it will carry on.

"This whole.... thing it's making me sick, Jacob. Can you imagine what this feels like to me? I don't even like Ivy Cullen - heck I don't like any of the cullens. But you have me thinking about this Leech all the damn time, as if I'm in love with her too! Can you see where that might be a little confusing? I even dreamed about kissing her last night! What the hell am I supposed to do with that?"

I'm glad I didn't break this up...

"Do I care?" Jacob sighed
"I can't stand being in your head anymore! Either go see her or end it and get over it!"
"Leah? Are you out there?" Seths younger voice rang from further back
"Yes" she scolded, I took this as an opportunity to start walking forward, down the path.
Once I'd gotten into their view I saw Leahs eyes roll as she stomped into the house, slamming the door shut behind her.

"Woah what was that all about?" I asked, now standing next to Jacob
"Nothing for you to worry about" a seemingly fake smile covered his face
"You okay?"
He nodded "she's just being annoying, nothing new there"
"Is she Seths sister?"
"Yeah, Leah. She's in the pack - you probably knew that" he chuckled gently, and I did know that, I knew it was her. "So, great first two weeks of our relationship huh" he now turned to properly face me, his hands resting on my hips as mine automatically raised to his neck
"Yeah, yeah brilliant. I've definitely enjoyed kicking my families asses more than hanging out with you"
He studied my face for a second "now I can't tell if your serious or not"
I rolled my eyes lightly, still smiling.
We were silent for a second as we both leaned in closer together until we kissed, the kiss was passionate and quite rough while it lasted.

"I missed you" Jacob whispered once he'd pulled away
I nodded "yeah, I missed you too"
"Do you want to go somewhere?" He asked
"Sure" I smiled.
Then he grabbed my hand and lead me to his bike.
"You better hold on" he smiled back to me once I was behind him, I only nodded and wrapped my arms around his middle. He started speeding down the dirt roads to god knows where until we came to a stop about 40minutes later, I climbed off and waited for him to face me.

"So, where the hell are we?" I asked, a slight laugh coming out
"I thought your stupid psychic thing could tell you" He wrapped an arm around my shoulder as we walked down a trail.
"You know it doesn't work around your kind, its honestly nice" I sighed
"what?" He questioned
"Jake, I've told you before. When I'm close to you its like being able to shut my eyes, Everything goes away... Except the wet dog smell"
he chuckled lightly "Glad I help" He squeezed me closer to him as a beach house came into view
"whats this?" I gasped
"A house...?"
He let me go so he could unlock the door and open it for us to get inside
"Ha ha, but really why are we here?"
"Forks and La Push are so boring when we cant go anywhere together, especially because of your sparkly ass" He threw his jacket down on the kitchen counter, as I took the opportunity to look around. The place was decorated nicely, there was huge glass doors leading to a balcony that was over the sea and a staircase leading down.
"Ivy" Jacob shook me out of my trance
"Sorry... whos place is this?"
"Ours... Well the res owns it but its mainly Me and Sam that use it, as a place to clear our heads"
"Cool." I nodded "And why'd you say we were here?"
"god, I said that I was bored of Forks and La Push since we cant go anywhere"
"We aren't near Seattle are we?" I questioned
"No we aren't, I dont want them ruining our trip"
"trip? Jake we are going to need to get back soon" I flopped on the sofa, Jacob flopping down next to me
"I know... But we are staying here tonight"
"I dont have any clothes here do I" I protested
"I spoke with the doctor one - whats his name?"
"Carlisle?" I asked
"Yeah that one he said you could do with a night or two away, Sam said the same about me, So he brought a bag of clothes for you and I already have things here, so its sorted" he shrugged
"No, no. We cant stay here not during this, we need to get home, do this once its over" I stood up and tried to leave
"Ivy, come on, the doctor said its fine"
"no, Carlisle wouldn't of said that... I uh, im going home" I went to start running but he held me tightly to his chest
"Listen, call him, but dont leave"


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