24. Meeting The Pack

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(The same day)
(NO ONES POV - Jacob and Ivy were currently sat in his car driving down to Emily's house, the two decided they'd stay at the Cullen's until dinner time. This was because Jacob was worried about Ivy, though he didn't know why she was so stressed.)

I took a deep breath as my nerves shot the second we got closer to Emily's house
"Stop being so nervous" Jacob lightly chuckled
"I- I'm not!" I denied
"Then how come your stuttering?" he glanced over to me for a second before turning to look back at the road "ah, it's because we stink isn't it?" he laughed at his own joke, but I couldn't "oh come on, Listen if you just be yourself when we get inside, I'm sure you'll grow on them. even if your a bloodsucker"
"yeah. great way to make me feel better Jake" I sighed just as the car came to a stop
"right, lets go" he turned the car off and got out, I followed him. the second the two of us got out A girl, tanned, with braids in her hair stepped out, she had a huge smile on her face, she must be Emily.#

"you must be Ivy! I'm Emily, it's nice to finally meet you!" she pulled me into a fast hug
"nice to meet you too" I smiled stepping back towards Jacob when the boys came out the door, Sam, who ive met before was first, followed by a flock of teenaged, half naked boys.
Once the boys stench hit me i cringed, my whole body tensed up, but then Sam smiled my way, I knew it wasn't completely genuine but it put me at a slight ease.
Two of the younger ones stepped out.

"I'm Quil" one said
"I'm Embry" the other said
"Nice to meet you, I'm Ivy" I smiled very lightly
"oh we know" they both laugh, I looked at them weirdly as they looked at each other with a smirk
"I wish Ivy would call" Quil mocked Jacobs words
"I wish Ivy wouldn't call" Embry joined in
"Maybe I should call Ivy" Another boy joined it, I guessed he was Jared
"Maybe I should call Ivy and hang up" Quil said again, I laughed slightly.
"Alright, you can shut up now" Jacob did laugh but he sounded demanding.
(A/N - alright this may not make sense but lets say through the months they didn't just hang out, they called ALOT of the time, then it should make quite a bit more sense)
"Come on Iv's" Jacob placed a hand on the small of my back "let's head inside"
when inside the house I realised how nice and cozy it was, definitely fit for a family.

"you have a nice house" I looked towards Emily and Sam
"thank you" she smiled
"A bloodsucker, in the house?" the guy who didn't come outside said
"please, just leave it out" Jacob warned the boy as he sat at the table, I just stood behind him, leaning my hands on his shoulders "Aren't you going to sit?" he asked me
"No, no. I wont take up room on the table" I smiled down at him
"No it cant eat can it" the boy who I was yet to know his name spoke again, he clearly didn't like me, but this time, being called an it hurt.
"Seriously Paul, Be nice to our guest" Emily huffed as she placed food on the table
"do you want to try and eat?" Jacob turned to me and spoke lightly, I just shook my head no slightly. then they all started to eat as Emily and I stepped outside so we didn't have to watch the boys shove mass amounts of food down their throats.

"so, when did Jacob Imprint on you?" She asked as she gestured for me to sit next to her on the swing
"I'm pretty sure it was about a year ago? it was went Bella almost drowned, I uh, I have many weird abilities but one is seeing into the future, I was watching Bella's, keeping track on her for Edwards sake"
she nodded
"and I saw her jump into the water but I didn't see her come out, I couldn't see a future for her anymore, so I rushed from New York to Forks to check on her, My sister, Alice turned up too and we were relived she was alive but then like hours after we got there Jacob came into the house and he was like worried about bella, he thought we would of killed her or something. But uh no he just stared at me for a while, up until yesterday I was so confused by it" I chuckled slightly
"oh right" she nodded "By the way, I'm sorry about Paul, he has bad blood with one of your coven - plus hes a wolf so you know, enemies"
"oh its fine, I was expecting all of them to be like that to be honest" I shrugged
"they got warned by Sam before hand, I think they are being friendly for Jake's sake"
"fair enough" I nodded.
As Emily and I were about to converse some more the door opened,

"oh there you are," Jacob announced making the two of us turn around "i thought you left"
"No, we just come outside since you guys were eating" i smiled at him
"oh alright, but I should get you home now" He smiled back
"Okay, I'll see you again Emily?" I asked as I stood up
"of course, pop around any time"
I nodded and followed Jacob out of the house.

He took me home straight after that, once we were there he drove me to the door, but he didn't stay...

(A/N - sorry for the shitty chapter :/ )

That wolf-boy ~ Jacob Blackحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن