22. An Imprint?

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"when I tell you this, will you promise me, that you wont freak out, or, or be weirded out or kick me out of your house and life. okay?" he took the opportunity to grab my hand
"Jake, come on, it cant be that bad" I chuckled
"depends what you think of this whole thing. It was Sam who told me to come tell you about this, I was happy not mentioning it, but you know, I have to take his orders" he scolded the alpha of his pack
"I doubt it will make a difference okay?" I smiled lovingly at him, he smiled back
"Alright, do you know anything about the Quileutes tales, and stuff like that?" He asked
I shook my head "Carlisle has told us about the shapeshifting, that you can read each others minds in form - that's about it"
"so, there's this thing called Imprinting okay? now I want you to listen,"
"An Imprint...?" I questioned myself before nodding, agreeing to listen
"So this Imprinting thing can come about anytime after a wolf's first phase. And it can happen with anyone, despite other feelings towards the person, and it happens the first time he sees the person he's destined to Imprint on. But it's not like love at first sight, really. It's more like... gravity moves... suddenly. It's not the earth holding you here anymore, she does... You become whatever she needs you to be, whether that's a protector, or a lover, or a friend. The imprintee can choose whether she'll accept him as  her 'soulmate' or not, I think it's said that even the imprintee feels incomplete without her soulmate nearby--"
"Jake, are - are you trying to say that you have imprinted on me?" a very small smile crept up on my lips
"I uh... Yeah... yeah" he sighed
I tried putting two and two together "when you, stared at me in Bella's house before we went to Italy, is that when you did it?"
He nodded "I get it if you think it's weird and dont want to be friends or anything with me any--"
"Shut up Jake" I laughed moving closer to him, placing my cold body against his warm one "it isn't weird, its actually kind of sweet"
"thank god" he huffed out throwing himself back on the sofa "okay, well I'll be off" he went to leave by I held him down
"stay, I'm really bored" I chuckled
"isn't your family here?" he asked sitting back down
"no, they left about I dont know, two hours ago"
"they left you alone in this massive house?"
"yeah. its nice when its empty here" I smiled
"aren't you, you know worried someone'll break in?"
"no one will get past me.. Alive"
he shook his head with a small laugh
"now come on! I'll show you around" I grabbed his hand yanking him off the sofa, before showing him around the house I went and emptied that bin again, but leaving it in the bathroom. I showed him downstairs slightly, but showed more of the upstairs

"so in there is Carlisle and Esmes room, then this one," I opened the door "Emmett and Rosalie" the room was all white with a sofa and tv in it. "then, Alice and Jasper" I opened the next door, their room was slightly more decorated, but not by much. "and this way" I pulled him across the house "Edward's room" I showed it briefly "and finally, the best room in the house" I went to the door next to Edwards, the one with pictures on the door.
"my room!" when I opened the door the light music came from the side of my room. I spun around before falling onto my bed, wrapping myself in the blanket I used earlier
"how come you are the only one with a bed?" He asked sitting on the little rocking chair
"oh uh, Vampires dont sleep, well, most vampires... I seem to be the only one to the Volturi's knowledge that can sleep" I shrugged
"huh" he nodded "so, when do your family come back?" he asked
"oh uh, Sunday night? I think" I shrugged "I didn't really ask"
suddenly everything went awkward, I picked up my book and started to read it again. But then the bed dipped as Jacob sat next to me

"so, with the sleeping thing, how do you know when you can sleep?" he asked
"if I'm hungry or upset it normally happens, but sometimes I just get worn out so I sleep" I shrugged
"oh, right... so your more human than them?"
"you could say that, I still have a tan, can still sleep, i can drink normal human stuff... but not a lot, though im not sure about the eating"
"you dont know if you can eat or not?" he laughed slightly
"well, since I was changed we took it as that I was like Carlisle, so on a diet of blood, but they are dont like the smell of human food, but I do"
he nodded and slightly leaned his body onto mine "I'm going to watch you read"
"yeah, sure" I got comfortable before starting to read silently again....

That wolf-boy ~ Jacob BlackWhere stories live. Discover now