16. Wolf-Boy

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once I was out of the living room my grabbed my bag and pulled out my bear, holding it tight to my body as I listened to Alice speak to Bella.

"Bella, what is that god-awful wet dog smell?" Alice asked her, sounding completely disgusted
"Um... that's probably me. Or it's Jacob" Bella replied, I could see her taking off that jacket she was wearing
"Jacob who?" Alice asked, but I knew exactly which Jacob she was talking about, the muscle-y, tanned, long haired boy..
"Jacob's kind of a werewolf"
I heard Alice sigh deeply. but my head shifted to the door seeing it swing open, and the boy I just Imagined in my head quietly crept through it, though this time his hair was short. I dont think he saw me sitting on the stairs, and I didn't want to make myself noticed either.
"Bella! Werewolves are not good company to keep"
"Speak for yourself" Jacob 'appeared' behind Alice "I had to see you were safe" he said
"I thought you couldn't protect me here" Bella informed him of something he probably told her earlier
"Guess I don't care" she sort of whispered to Bella
"Well, I'm not going to hurt her, neither is Ivy" Alice announced, pointing her hand in my direction as she said my name, causing Jacob to whip his head around to me, I waved slightly but his eyes didn't shift from mine
I've only ever spoken to this blonde... Beautiful girl once before, that that was months ago, long before this happened to me. but as I looked into her eyes, all of a sudden it felt like gravity wasn't holding me to the planet anymore, its her. it felt like nothing else mattered as I felt the entire world stop spinning. That's when I had a vision it was of me and her, walking along the beach... hand-in-hand, we stopped before I leant down and kissed her...
what the fuck? why am I thinking this like this about a bloodsucker.
I just about snapped back into reality as Bella waved her hands in front of my face frantically.
Once Jacob snapped back into reality he seemed dazed and confused.

"I, uh I - yeah... no you two are just harmless Cullens" he managed to bring himself back into the conversation at hand "I'm talking about the other bloodsucker who tried to kill Bella because of you" he said, looking Alice dead in the eye. the two of us had to think for a second before I finally realised who he was talking about, I stuffed my bear into my bag again and walked to the other side of the sofa, facing the conversation
"Victoria?" I questioned
"Yeah, Victoria's been around." Bella sighed
"I didn't see her.." I huffed
"Me neither" Alice added
"hold on, Bella, " she turned her head to me "I didn't see you get pulled out of the water either" Alice agreed with my point, she gestured for me to read her mind,

we cant see past them, the wolves

she realised the problem with our visions cutting out
"We cant see past you and your pack of mutts." Alice threw her anger towards Jacob
"don't get me upset" he warned her
"hey, stop" Bella stood up and went to go between them
"or things are gonna get very ugly" Jacob carried on
"stop, stop, stop, stop" Bella was pushing Jacob away so I got the hint and (vampire) ran to face Alice, pushing her back too
"um.." bella sighed
there was a silence
"We'll give you a minute." Alice informed them as she guided me towards the back door she came into the house through
"hey." Bella called making Alice and I turn around "you're not going anywhere, you're gonna come back, right?"
"As soon as you put the dog out." Alice chirped and with that she had lead me out to the garden.
"you should hunt Ivy" she told me,
I nodded "lets go" the two of us went off into the woods like little tornados
"Hey Alice?" I turned to her as we were running
"Yeah?" she turned to me too, but she stopped me and herself
"what happened earlier, with Jacob. why'd he, why'd he stare at me for so long?"
"you must be too beautiful for his dog senses to comprehend" she smiled, starting to run again, pulling me with her...
as Alice and I were feasting on a bear we both got the same vision, It looked like Rosalie had told Edward about Bella so he called the Swan house, hoping to hear Bella, or Charlie would do, but instead Jacob answered, Edward asked to speak to Charlie but Jake replied with "He's arranging a funeral" which made Edward spiral, believing Rosalie thus thinking Bella's dead, so he doesn't want to live any more...

"we need to go" I said abruptly running straight to Bella's house, Alice hot behind me. I ran into the house and grabbed my bag off the stairs then rushing into the kitchen where I found Bella and Jacob

"Bella" Alice called for her "Bella it's Edward. He thinks you're dead. Rosalie told him why Ivy and I came here" As Alice was speaking Jacob was inching further back towards me, I moved out of his way just before he stepped on m foot.
"woah there" I sighed, nerves filling my body, he only looked at me briefly before turning back to the other two.

"why would yo-- Why didn't you let me speak to him?!" Bella stepped up to Jacobs face, shouting
"he didn't ask for you" Jacob fought back, maybe with a little more anger, I saw Alice try and pull Bella back and I was going to go for Jacobs arm, to pull him away but I couldn't, he might freak out
"I dont care!" Bella shouted again. now Alice had grabbed Bella pushing her against a wall
"Bella, He's going to the Volturi" that word make me want to vomit
"he wants to die, too" I spoke up, obvious tears finding their way to the brim of my eyes.

as the three of us got into Carlisle's car, which Alice had brought with her, Jacob was trying to get Bella to stay in Forks,

"He left you, Bella. He didn't want you anymore, remember?" he told her
"No, I'm not gonna let him kill himself out of guilt" she huffed
"Well, what about your dad?"
"Im 18. I'm legally free to go and I left a note"
"Please, Just... stay here" While he pleaded this part his warm brown eyes seemed to shift to me, locking with mine again "for me" he said slowly unlocking out eyes to look at Bella
"I have to go" Bella sighed. And with that Jacob removed himself off the side of the car and Let Alice speed away...
once I watched the black car zoom into the night I phased and ran all the way back to Emily's, I needed to speak to sam... I still have no idea what happened with that leach...
once I was there, I put on new clothes and knocked on the door, Immediately welcomed by Emily

"Hi Jacob, isn't it a little late?" she asked
"I uh- what? no... is Sam here?" I asked
"yeah, just in the back"
she pointed me in the direction of the back yard. I nodded a thanks before making my way out there, I saw him sitting on the patio chairs.
"Jacob" he sighed "what is it?"
"something... weird happened earlier, and uh, I cant - I dont know what the hell it was"
"two of the cullens are back, the younger looking blonde girl, and the creepy little dark haired one" I huffed
"yes, I thought you were out long"
"anyway, I didn't see the Blonde one at first, but when I did out eyes locked, it felt like she was the one holding me to the planet, not gravity, then - then I saw me and her together on the beach and, ugh I kissed her... Sam what does this mean?"
he stood up to meet my face, his expression Blank
"Jacob... you imprinted on a vampire"

(1,391 words)

That wolf-boy ~ Jacob Blackजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें