32. The First Date

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Once I was showered and dressed I heard a knock on the door and quickly run to Carlisle's office to tell him where I was off too

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Once I was showered and dressed I heard a knock on the door and quickly run to Carlisle's office to tell him where I was off too.

"Heyyyy Carlisle" I smiled as I stepped in through the door
"Happy are you?" He laughed slightly, looking up from his worksheets
"well" I skipped towards his desk "I'm going on a date" I smiled again
"is that so? Have you told Edward?" he smirked up at me slightly
"No, and please dont tell him, please?" I pleaded
"of course I wont, he isn't the one that should be lecturing you about dates, and boyfriends" He pointed at the seat I was stood next to
"Carlisle I have no time for this. hes here!" I huffed
"I think he can wait a few seconds, now sit"
"ugh fine! right I am not to have sex, not to kiss, not to---"
"you've already kissed him, I'm not stupid Ivy"
"Clearly" I shrugged
"but, you are not to have sex, of course. And I am setting a curfew, lets say what, 1am?"
"that's early!"
"yes but not for him,"
"wait, how do you know who it is?" I pointed my finger at him
he chuckled, amused "It's Jacob, Like I said I'm not stupid"
defeated I stood up "Can I go now?"
"One more thing, be careful, this wasn't the best of times to plan a date"
"I know, I'll keep checking in on the visions, the newborns wont get me" I chuckled slightly
he nodded "Your free to go"
"thank you your honour, until then may you enjoy your evening and stay well away from Edward" I bowed slightly before cracking into a laugh
"Yeah, yeah" he was laughing too "see you later sweetheart"
I then skipped through the house towards the front door, but stopped abruptly when I saw Emmett and Jasper stood at the door, both of them clearly not breathing. I pushed forwards and went to go past them.

"Excuse me boys" I sighed, still trying to go past them
"Hold up, where are you going?" Emmett spun me to look at him
"with the dog?"
"yes with Jacob. do you have a problem?"
he sighed and looked at Jasper, "No, go"
"thank you" I tapped both of them on the shoulder and went outside. "Sorry, Carlisle wanted me and now these--"
"yeah its fine" he laughed as he watched me shut the door in my brothers faces and flipped them off, before I turned back to him.
"so, a date huh?" I tried to make conversation with him as we walked down the drive slightly
"having second thoughts?" he asked
"no, no definitely not" I smiled at him.
when we got closer to the bottom of the drive I saw a really nice black truck sat there

 when we got closer to the bottom of the drive I saw a really nice black truck sat there

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That wolf-boy ~ Jacob BlackWhere stories live. Discover now