13. Motorcycles

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ias I grabbed my Journal and started to quickly scribble what I saw then write down words about it.
"Ivy" he said again, "what did you see"
"motorcycles" I said briefly "she's taken some junk yard motorcycles to a Garage, it looks like - well she's decided she wants to do them up, make them rideable"
"why? I didn't think she was into them" Jasper questioned
"no, me neither but remember Alice saw her get on the back of a random guys bike? the rush of Adrenaline makes her brain subconsciously think of Edwards voice clearly hence -" I flipped back a few pages showing him a sketch from bella's view, Edward was stood in front of her in a form of mist
"so your saying she's getting these bikes fixed so she can have an adrenaline rush to see a picture of Edward?"
"its a little pathetic, only to see Edward. but I get she misses him"
Just as I was about to show him the sketch of the motorcycles Alice walked in

data-p-id=34a6df61dccb4c91cf08375d36bc0853,"Motorcycles... is she trying to get herself killed? she's the clumsihe said, clearly frustrated as she threw herself on Jasper
"Well, let her do as she pleases, lets just hope someone is there to watch her when she finally rides it." I shrugged...
The amount of times I've been looking onto Edward and Bella these past months has really heightened my senses - or powers, whatever you want to call it. So at times with my seeing things I can hear some stuff they say, its proper confusing.

data-p-id=1ff2c023d0d559cf9d7a219461a5ab04,Just as I got back to my room I saw and heard what Bella was doing ag

b17307, ( Italics - what Ivy's seeing Bella do - an
in Ivy's home/New York when she zones out )

"Okay, where's your clutch?" a slightly fam
iliar voice asked her as she was sat on the bike facing the dirt trac
k, I made sure, even in my trance to write EVERYTHING into my journal
from Bella's point of view - obviously - sh
e pointed to the lever on the left handlebar. Letting go of the grip was a mistake. The heavy bike wobbled underneath her, threatening to knock her sideways. she grabbed the handle again, trying to hold it straight.

"god" I sighed, still seeing it all
"Ivy, Ivy what is it?" Alice was now in my room, she wasn't paying as much
attention to the visions as I was
"shes trying the bike now"

"Jacob, it wont stay up" she complained, then I knew why I recognise that voice, it belonged to Jacob Black the boy who I spoke to briefly the day of the Prom.
"It will when you're moving," he promised "Now where's your brake?"
"Behind my right foot"
he grabbed her right hand and curled her fingers around the lever over the throttle
"but you said--" she whined
"this is the brake you want. Don't use the back brake now, that's for later, when you know what you're doing"

data-p-id=ee26f4565fb291c721fd2218dd09ceef,I heard more footsteps enter my room, but I knew Alice was still In h
Bella or Edward?" Jasper asked
I subconsciously waved him over so he could what me as I wrote
While zoned out I missed a bit, but i zoned back in

the bike started to fall sideways, but that Jacob Boy caught the bike before it knocked her to the ground
"steady there," He encouraged her "Do you still have the clutch?"
"yes" she gasped
"Plant your feet-- I'm going to try again."
It took Jacob four kicks before the ignition caught. Bella gripped the clutch until her fingers seemed to ache.
"Try out the throttle," he suggested to her. "very lightly. And don't let go of the clutch"
in a hesitant motion she twisted the right handle. though the movement she let out was tiny, the bike snarled beneath her. it sounded angry to her.
"Do you remember how to put it into first gear?" He asked
"well, go ahead and do it"
she didn't do anything, just looked down
"Left foot," he prompted
"i know" she said, taking a deep breath.

i stopped hearing everything they where saying for a while, but i could still picture the whole thing. then the
sound came back, the loud roar of the bike startled me.

data-p-id=c4f87d2636075dec0c2b6a357c6305d2,"This is reckless and childish and idiotic, Bella" an all to recogniz her ear, as the mist vision of him appeared to her for the second time... to my knowledge
"Oh!" she gasped and her hand feel off th clutch. the Bike seemed to buck under her, yanking her forward and then both her and the bike fell on the ground, the bike half on her. the engine got cut.
"Bella?" Jacob lifted the heavy bike off her with ease. "are you hurt?"
she wasn't listening, the mist form of Edward was still looking over her, shame plastered all over his face
"i told you so" Mist-ward (A/N see what i did there ;)) murmured
"Bella?" Jacob shook her shoulder
"I'm fine" she mumbled

my attention broke away again
"she's still se
eing Edward?" Jasper asked, Alice had never broke from her trance
and hearing him" i added
"and you know that how?"
"my uh, trances have gotten stronger, especially with Bella, I'm hearing what shes seeing now"
"really?" he was dumbfounded "so there on a dirt track... did you sketch it?" he asked studying the page
i flipped one page down
"that's over the border... Edward would of never of been there with her, so what if she thinks is deja vu and that's why shes doing all this"
"she must of, since the first time, you know when she got ganged up on by them guys, them first few months she was here."
he nodded
"she thought them guys on the Motorcycles were them so she walked towards them, Edward appeared so she must think that. but now it might not be so obvious" i added
"oh right"
We didn't get a chance to finish our conversation before i got pulled back into it

data-p-id=88939c0cc84e208048a465da408c71d1,"Easy on the clutch," he reminded her, it looked like she was actuall
to kill yourself, then? Is that what this is about?" Edward appeared again, giving her that horrid look
bella ignored the voice.
"go home to Charlie," Edward's form ordered her
"Ease off slowly," Jacob encouraged her
"I will" she said. i dont think she realised she was technically answering both of them.
the bike wrenched her forward, she went flying on it. she looked down to the gearshift as she twisted for more gas.
"No, Bella!" Edwards honey-like voice was angry.
the road started to turn left. but she stayed straight

data-p-id=b5263a2b789a5a7b2a07682a04d5e648,"fucking hell, turn Bella! turn!" i shouted at her, forgetting i was

" she muttered to herself. she slammed down with her right foot, then the bike started to shiver from one side to the other, it dragged her towards the green wall, she was going to fast. i could tell she tried to turn the handlebar in the other direction, but she sudden shift of weight pushed the bike to the ground as it was still spinning towards the trees.
The motorcycle landed on top of her again.
"Bella!" Jacob yelled, the second roar of another bike cut off
the bike was picked up off of her
"Wow" she murmured
"Bella!" Jacob was crouching over her anxiously, the first time this whole vision i had seen his face again.
"Bella are you alive?"
"I'm great!" she enthused "Let's do it again"
"I don't think so," Jacob still sounded worried. "I think I'd better drive you to the hospital first."
"I'm fine"
"Um, Bella? you've got a huge cut on your forehead, and it's gushing blood," he informed her
i saw her hand go up to her head and then she pulled it back down, it was covered in blood.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, Jacob" her habit around us kicked in
"Why are you apologizing for bleeding?" he wondered

the vision stopped and i looked down at the journal i had filled two pages with what i had seen and another 3 pa
ges filled with what i heard, descriptions of what I saw. i sighed as i threw my journal to the side and flopped down on my bed.

data-p-id=bcf3ae361dda2f6669651729a97dd857,"it's just a cut" i sighed
"huh?" Jasper questioned
"she hit her headgod - for Edwards sake... obviously.... Now can yous go, i think i need to sleep now - that really drained me" i yawned
"of course, sweet dreams Missy" Jasper brushed the hair that had fallen out of my face and he dragged Alice, who was still in some sort of trance out of my room....


data-p-id=de555c55eb882bd499f527t how Alice's ability works and i knoy to be able to do that. but i wanted to show the motorcycle part - it will come more apparent as the story progresses :) )

(1,596 words)

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