"Wheres Dad?" Kya asked.

"He'll be home soon, got caught up in the city affairs again." Kya nodded, she had caught wind of the ongoing problems in Republic City. She had no reason to worry about then out there, but here she had to take everything into consideration.

"Lin's at school so don't even think about calling her, she'll be distracted for the rest of the day." Kya frowned, sighing.

"Alright, alright. I'll shower, and then call her."

"Good, you reek,"


"Its true. I love you, but you smell like Bison fur." Katara said, patting Kya on the shoulder before taking the basket of laundry and leaving her daughter to it. Kya glanced at the phone, but turned away. You'll just distract her.


Lin twisted the knob to the apartment, her gym bag slung over her shoulder.

"Su! I'm home!" She tossed her keys on the counter, pausing when she saw a familiar pare of blue eyes, attached to a lopsided grin staring at her from the sofa.

"Kya?" She grinned, her breath hitched as she stared at the other girl, who had inevitably grown more beautiful herself.

"Its about bloody time, Lin. I've been sitting her for almost two hours, talking to your sister. I was trying to suprise you when you came back from school, but apparently you go to the gym on Thursdays." Lin was at  a loss of words, looking to Su and then to Kya who were both on the sofa, looking at her.

"For spirits sake, I'll kiss you myself." Kya said  getting up and pulling Lin in by her waist. Lin's lips met hears and she sunk into it, holding onto the kiss as long as she could. Kya pulled away, setting her arms on Lin's shoulder. Lin tilted her head, admiring how sharp Kya's jawline had become, trying to keep her focus off of the boobs that rubbed against her chest in their situation.

"Yeah I'm out. Tofu for supper, please." Su said, getting off the couch and stalking off to her room, closing closing door behind her.

"You're here." Lin breathed and Kya nodded.

"Two weeks, Lin. Maybe more, who knows. I'm here for you." Lin's lips spread into a smile as Kya kissed her again.

"Stay for dinner," Lin said.

"I should hope so, I have been here baby sitting for the last two hours. Come to think of it, I am owed some payment."

"Su is old enough to watch herself."

"A service is a service." Kya replied, biting her bottom lip and the sensation in the pit of her stomach returned. It only ever bothered Lin when Kya was around, and it was usually met with a soft pair of lips and-

"Lin?" Kya raised an eyebrow and Lin nodded.

"Payment, right. I don't have any money on me right now, but perhaps we could work out... an alternative?" Kya grinned, kissing her girlfriend on the cheek.

"We'll work on the role play." Lin scoffed, her gym bag falling off her shoulder.

"I'll go get changed, then apparently we are ordering in Tofu."

"Why does she like it so much?"

"Beats me. Mom blames Zuko, he introduced it to her." Kya laughed, following Lin to her room.
"Kya." Lin said, stopping at the doorway.

"I know, I know, Su is here. Doesn't mean I can't look?" Lin raised an eyebrow, and shrugged.

"Alright, we could use the privacy anyway." She let Kya in and the waterbender took a seat on Lin's bed. Lin tossed her bag to the side, lifting a hoddie over her head, revealing the sports bra underneath, but more importantly, the extremely refined abdomen. It took all of Kya's decency to keep her jaw attached to her skull as Lin stretched her arms into the air, flexing them purposefully when she brought then down.

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