34. Twoset Grapefruit Boys II

Start from the beginning

"Would you like me to stay with you for a while?"

The little girl nodded.

Eddy looked towards Brett, who returned a warm smile and gave a little wave as he dimmed the lights and stepped away.

"...Brett, can you hear her crying?"

"Oh my god you're right. Shhh, my turn, I'll go, you stay."

Brett got up on his elbows and reached out to the bedside table for his glasses. He then pushed himself out of their bed and stepped over to the guest room.

He turned on the lights in the corridor to help him see inside the guest room without making the guest room lights bright. The little girl was missing from the bed.

"Sweetie? Where have you gone?"

Brett then heard soft sobs from the corner of the room. He looked over to see her sitting in the corner crying.

"There you are. Hey, are you okay? Did you have a bad dream?"

The little girl looked up with terrified eyes.

'Hey.. it's okay... I'm uncle Brett."

The little girl shook her head.

"You want uncle Eddy instead ?"

"Hey Sweetie, you want me?"

Eddy was already out of bed, standing in the doorway of the guest room. Brett was concerned the little girl may not recognise him.  Eddy's voice was very raspy, his hair was all over the place, his eyes were barely open and he didn't have his glasses on.

As Eddy staggered into the bedroom, Brett stepped back. Eddy held out his hand and the little girl seemed to have recognised Eddy since she reached out to grab it.

"C'mere, sweetie."

Eddy picked her up into his arms. She wrapped her arms around Eddy's neck and rested her head on his shoulder. Eddy shifted his arms so that her bottom rested on Eddy's forearm while his other hand rested on her back. Eddy whispered.

"Hey, maybe uncle Brett could play some nice music?"

Brett nodded and quickly went back into their bedroom to grab his phone. He came out of the bedroom scrolling his phone till he found something he thought was suitable. He made a wireless connection from his phone to the portable speaker in the guest room and played one of Eddy's favourite pieces, Debussy's Clair de Lune. Brett chose the piece for piano.

Eddy smiled and gently swayed with the music as he mouthed to Brett.

"Nice choice."

Brett smiled and mouthed back.


The little girl fell back asleep halfway through the piece and when it finished, Eddy gently put her back into her bed.

As Eddy placed a blanket on the little girl, he whispered;

"She has impeccable taste in music."

Brett grinned and whispered back.

"Too right."

The next morning, Brett was tuning his violin for his usual 40 hours of practice when he noticed the little girl standing at the doorway of his music room.

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