Part 17: Something unexpected

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[Some hours later, at Carson's place]
"Yes, it's me." I said picking up the call.

"I have listened to your demos, man. And I think they are great. We got a big plan for you. But first we need to work on your image. You know, you have been accused of being violent. We can't let you produce an EP right now. You will start working on your new music in September. Right now, all you gotta do is being a good guy. I know you are, so try to forget what happened and focus on music. You are safe, you can celebrate. You will be working with Universal for the following years." My producer told me.

"Thanks, this is the best news I could get today. I can't believe it."

"Pleasure is ours. Your new music is so intense. If we work on it, it will be a blast."

"Thank you... I am literally crying right now!"

"Don't thank me. It's all because of your music. There's another thing you could do to clean your image..."

"What?" I asked him.

"Well... we had an idea. We could send you to USC... There's a music faculty there... Think about it. It's a chance to improve your singing skills..."

"I don't know about that. I have never been good at school."

"You don't have to decide now, Carson. Just let me know your decision by the end of the month."

I thanked him again and then he hung up.

"We gotta celebrate man" I told Matt.

"Let me guess... They won't fire you?" Matt asked.

"Better bro... EP, Universal for the next years and USC!"

"What the fuck? That's your lucky day" Matt exclaimed.

"It is!" I said. I went to the fridge to take a beer. I opened it and took a sip. It was so fucking good. It tasted better than that shitty coffee I had had that morning at Connor's.

"Hey, no alcohol" Matt said smiling and he grabbed the bottle from my hand and took a sip himself.

"Well... I still don't know if I could go to college, but it's an opportunity."

"I think you should go... You said you were considering the idea of university some days ago. So what's stopping you?"

"It's because of Connor. I don't know what he thinks about it. If I go there, we will barely see each other."

"No, buddy. The USC is in Los Angeles. Probably two hours from Connor's house. You can visit him every day." Matt told me.

"I know, but I will have to live in the campus and focus on studying, too."

"Don't worry. You will see him on weekends." Matt assured me.

"I will think about it. I wanna ask him first."

"Ok. Do what you want! But don't throw your future away for him." Matt advised me.

"However, how did it go with him yesterday? Did you do what I told you to do?" Matt questioned me.

"Well, Matt. It was not like that. I tried so hard to follow your rules. But he still didn't go as planned. I could put only one or two inches in his hole. He moaned too much."

"You don't have to worry about the moans."

"I do instead. You don't know his mother. She could kill you if she knew her son is being penetrated by a stranger."

"I see. I think you will never learn if I don't show you properly what to do!" Matt stated.

"Show me properly?" I asked confused.

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