Part 9: The dance club (Connor's POV)

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"Okay, guys. Today we have a new member. Please welcome Connor and make him feel at home"

They all waved at me. There were like 15 people in the dance club, 3 males and the rest all females. I had been dancing for ten years. Dancing has always been my passion and I felt really happy about joining the team.
The teacher, the one Carson had talked about, was very young. He had to be a bit older than me and my mates. He was in his 20s.
His name was Tanner, Tanner Buchanan and he was really good at dancing.

[After one hour rehearsing]
Tanner knew how to move his body and he seemed really good at teaching. I didn't understand why Carson had advised me to look out for myself. He seemed so calm and cheerful. He complimented with me several times.

"You are really good. I think you are already at a high level. You should take part to the show we are having at the graduation ceremony this year." Tanner told me.

"I don't know. I have never performed in front of everyone else." I replied.

"No worries. I won't give you the main role. You will be a side character. You know, I usually let the seniors have the most important part of the show. It's their last time to shine." He laughed.

"Ok, I will try, Mr. Buchanan"

"Oh please, call me Tanner."

"But I would never dare..."

"Ohhh I am not even a teacher. I am one of the most talented dancer who attended this school. I am just offering my knowledge to help young students cultivate their talent.
I wish I had had a dance club at school when I was your age. But there wasn't any.  I had to take private lessons.
After graduating I entered the Dance academy and I proposed the principal to found a dance club at Hamilton's, so that even students who couldn't afford private dance classes could still take lessons at school."

"Wow, that's nice"

"I only do my best. By the way, I really think you are good at dancing. You should consider making this your future!"

"Thanks I will think about it!"

"Yeah, you should. Did you dance in Colorado?"

"Yeah. I have been dancing since I was seven."

"Really? That's why you are so good."

Dance club was really amazing and Tanner, oh, he was really inspiring. What he was doing for this school and what he had achieved in his life, was something that made him a hero to my eyes.

"Okay guys, enough for today. Have a good weekend. See you on Monday." Tanner said at the end of the lessons.

"Thanks for the lesson. I really like it here." I stated, approaching to him.

"You could improve and grew more, you know that, right?"

"Yeah, that's why I decided to join this club."

"But Connor, to be honest, people here think they can dance, but they can't!" He whispered to me.

"So are you suggesting I should give this club up?"

"I am suggesting you should come training with me at the academy some afternoon. You must grow as a dancer and you should make sure to get noticed by influent people."

"What? Can I train at the academy?"

"Yeah. Don't worry. I will let you in. We have free rooms to rehearse in the afternoon. Some coreographers and observers are always around, scouting for new talents. That is how I got noticed and offered the possibility to join Taylor Swift's dance team last year."

"You danced on tour?"

"Yeah I did. I am still rehearsing with Taylor's team every now and then and we are ready to leave for a new world tour next year!"

"No way. That's one of my greatest dreams."

"I told you. You should come to the academy someday."

"I don't know. I should ask my mom. She is kinda overprotective."

"If you want, I could talk to her!"

"Would you do it?"

"Yeah. I could send her an email explaining everything"


"Ok. I'll do it."

"Fantastic. Now I gotta go."

"Where do you have to do? It's Friday. You should start focusing on dance. For instance, now you have the rest of the day free and you should train as much as you can."

"I will do it, but not now. I promised my friend to be at his house at 7.00. I don't wanna let him down."

"Okay. But only this time. Remember Connor, stay focused on your dreams. Don't let the others distract you."

"I won't. It's a one-time thing. I promise!"

"Are you sure? Or are you telling me this so that I can let you go?"

"Tanner I really have to go."

"Okay, I can't stop you. We will finish this talk, Connor. And stay focused on your goal!"

I smiled at him and left the training room.

[Connor enters his mum's car after dance classes]
"How was your day, honey?" My mum asked me as I got in the car.


"You seem particularly happy. What did it happen?"

"I kinda had the best dance lesson of my life."


"Mum, I forgot to tell you,... but my friend asked me to sleep over at his place tonight. Can I?"

"Oh Connor, are you sure this friend is a good influence on you? The vice-principal clearly said you'd better stay away from him."

"He is not like that. He explained me what happened to him. He is a good guy."

"Okay. I trust you, my dear. But why don't you invite him over sometimes. I wanna meet your new friend, too. Why not tomorrow? He can come to dinner."

"But it's Saturday, tomorrow!"

"Okay, then on Monday?"

"I don't know. I will let you know."

"Okay, Connor. Don't disappoint me. I trust you. Don't make me regret moving here. You know, I did it also for your future."

"Yeah mum. Don't worry."

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