Part 1: At the gym

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"I'm over for today! I'm gonna take a shower... then I will go home. Want a ride?" - Matt said to me, out of breath.

"Nah... I'll walk home tonight. I think I still wanna work out a bit"- I answered.
"Ok man. But don't push too hard. You'll get ripped if you keep on spending so much time at the gym".

I smiled at him and continued lifting the weighs. Then I said: "Dude, I wanna spend some time alone. I have to clear my mind."

"Ok, Carson. I just think the best thing you can do to forget her is coming home. We've been training for two hours now. Don't you think is it too much? You need to move on. You can't be angry forever."

"Okay, fine. I'll come home, but I'll walk. I still need to be alone with my thoughts."
"Yeah. Good bro!"

Matt and I lived together in a small house in the hills. We moved there few months ago. We decided to rent this place because it has an home studio, where we can both work on our music.
You might think that my life is perfect:  famous singer, a beautiful house in a good neighborhood, maybe rich...but it's not like that.

The last few months of my life have been really though. My girlfriend broke up with me. Well, actually, I left her when I found out she was having a secret affair with the quarterback of the school team. Since then, I haven't been able to move on.
My music career isn't standing out as I was expecting and I haven't written a new line in weeks. My label could cut me loose next month and I think I will never be the artist I have always dreamt about.
These thoughts filled my days and I felt unable to do something to change my situation. Let's say I was resigned to the idea of never realising my dreams.

[Few minutes later, in the locker room]
Matt had already taken his shower and now it was my turn. He waved me goodbye and he sent he would have waited for me at home.
I was now alone in the locker room.

I slowly took a towel out of my backpack and put it on the bench. Then I sat down and and took off my t-shirt.

Matt was right. I had been working out a lot. The veins on my arm were kinda exploding and, as I looked at me in the mirror, I noticed that my abs were so defined. I spent some minutes admiring my well-built body, proud of what I had achieved. That was something that made me happy. Then I took off my shorts,too. I wrapped the towel around me waist and finally removed my underwear, making sure my dick couldn't be seen if somebody had suddenly walked into the locker room.

I headed to the shower room and turned on the water. A cold shower was what I needed. Water was running through my blonde hair and then it went down to my naked body. I grabbed the lotion and began soaping my chest and my dick. As I was soaping my dick I got hard for no reason. Maybe it was because I hadn't jerked off in a while. Anyway I decided I would have dealt with it tonight at home.

When I had finished, I stepped out of the shower room. Suddenly I heard someone approaching. I quickly put the towel around my waist and tried to hide my naked body behind the opened door of my locker.

I set my wet hair back and tried to dry me off quickly. I felt so uncomfortable changing in front of another guy.
The person who had just walked in was a boy around my age. His locker was close to mine, but I had never seen him before. Maybe it was his first day at the gym. Actually I had never seen him at school either. He had to be new in town. As I was pondering about who he could be, I kept on staring at him unwittingly.

"You need help?"- He asked me all of sudden. "You feeling good?".
"Yeah. Thanks. Sorry I was just..."
"You were just staring at me, man!"
"It's that I have never seen you here! I was wandering if you're new..."
"Yes I am" he replied.
An awkward silence followed. I didn't want him to think I was a sort of stalker or similar I asked him something to break the ice.

"You like it here?" I asked him.
"Silly question, man. California is California. There's nothing to complain about it!"
"I feel you. I had the same idea when I first moved here. But it's not like in the movies. Watch out, kid."

"Yeah, I know, thanks. I am here because of my mother, actually. She got offered a new job at the UCLA... I am Connor by the way" - and he stretched out his hand towards me.
"Carson Lueders. Nice to meet you"
"Nice to meet you, too."
I went on getting dressed.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked me all of sudden.
"Go on" I replied
"Have you ever heard about Hamilton high school?"
"Yes, man. I go there. Why did you ask?"
"Well tomorrow is my first day. I am a bit scared. Don't know what to expect. Since I moved here I have no friends and it seems like I must start a new life again. I, I miss home and I don't know how my classmates will react...I am not sure they will..."
"Relax Connor" I interrupted him. "Just be yourself. Listen. Take your phone and write my number."

He did it as I instructed him. Text me whenever you need help.

"Are you a senior" I questioned him.
"A junior. I am seventeen"
"I turned 18 few months ago" I replied.
"How does it feel being 18?"
"Same shit!"
We both bursted out laughing.

"Are you going home Connor?"
"Yeah. My mother is picking me up in five minutes. Do you want a ride?"
"No thanks I wanna walk"
"Are you sure? You not tired at all?"
"I need to clear my mind. It's been really hard for me recently"
"Sorry, I didn't mean to..."
"Oh, no. It's fine. You did nothing. It has nothing to do with you."
"Of course it has nothing to do with me. I met you ten minutes ago."
I laughed again.

Connor's phone started ringing. It was his mom.
"She's waiting outside."
"See you tomorrow at school, I guess" I said.
"See ya. Bye".

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