Once Brett checked the 3 divers were nicely spread out, he turned back inside the aircraft, faced Eddy and shouted as he pointed to his chest with his thumb.

" I'm going first and I'll see you and Brad midway, okay !?!?"

Eddy was so nervous he had no comprehension of what Brett said but he nodded.  Brett smiled again as he reapproached the bench where Eddy and Brad were seated. As Brett remained standing, he stepped closer and reached his arm out towards Eddy.  Eddy thought Brett was going to grab his shoulder and nervously gazed up at Brett but instead Brett's arm reached beyond Eddy's shoulders and grabbed the shoulder of his brother Brad who was seated behind Eddy.  Brett nuzzled up against Brad, the brothers gently touched their foreheads together as they shouted to each other;

"Have a good jump Brad!!"

"You too, bro!!"

Brad turned on the go-pro camera that was attached to Brett's helmet and gave him the thumbs up.

Eddy saw Brett casually step back to the opening of the aircraft. Facing Eddy and his brother, Brett spread his arms to hold the railings on each side of the door frame. He leaned back into the empty space outside the aircraft. He only had two fingers from each of his hands holding the railing. He gave Eddy and Brad one last smile and then he must have let go of the railings because in the next instant he was gone.

Eddy was so mortified his eyes watered.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god"

"Hey Eddy, you okay?"

"Oh my god"

Brad gave a firm pat on Eddy's shoulder.

"Breathe for me, you're gonna be okay.  I'm with you."


"Alrighty, let's go."

Brad nudged Eddy along to the aircraft door.  Brad swung Eddy out of the aircraft and he was now dangling outside the aircraft off Brad's chest straps.  Eddy looked to the side and saw Brad's hands holding onto the handlebars of the aeroplane doorway.

Then Brad let go.

And they both fell.  The force of gravity was in full swing, pulling them to the centre of the earth, hard and fast.  And faster and faster.

It was the initial drop that was the most mind-blowing.  Eddy thought he screamed but wasn't sure.  Whatever he was trying to say was incomprehensible anyway.

The wind was still roaring around his ears and the sense of dropping he felt from the descent was so strong, he felt his cheeks flapping.  But within 7-10 seconds since leaving the aeroplane, they must have reached terminal velocity or the maximum speed they could reach, since the sensation Eddy was experiencing changed from that of falling to flying. Eddy remembered being told that he would still be falling at a speed of approximately 200km/h (124 miles per hour) at terminal velocity and quickly tried to forget about the numbers as it boggled his mind even more.

And just then, so out of nowhere, Brett appeared.  In a belly-to-the-ground position, as Eddy and Brad were, Brett looked like he just casually flew over to meet them without any regard of all 3 of them actually plummeting towards the ground below. He skillfully manoeuvred his way with surprising precision and as he gazed into Eddy's eyes he tilted his head.  Eddy didn't know why but he responded the same way as Brett and tilted his head to the opposite direction, to which Brett smiled and ever so gently manoeuvred himself closer, gliding in and kissed Eddy's parted lips.  This wasn't a hasty collision nor was it a quick brush, it was a slow, tender and carefully planted kiss, with just a slither of his tongue tracing the inside of Eddy's upper lip and a gentle nibble to his lower. Brad shouted at his brother.

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