Chapter thirty-five

Start from the beginning

"I know Ian it's hard to contain those two," Freddie replied leaning on him.

Roger and Maggie had already disappeared, same with Brian and Harmony. Just Freddie and Mary were still there.

John and I made our way backstage. Freddie and Mary said they would meet us later, they were going to watch some of the show. The farther from the stage we got the more I noticed the loud ringing noise in my ears.

John was leading me by the hand. He pushed open a room and found it was empty. He closed the door behind us and locked it.

I literally ran over to him and pushed him into the back of the door with my lips.

"Maggie said I was literally drooling over you tonight," I said when we came up for a breath. His lips moved to my neck. "Dammit John..." I sighed. His lips felt so incredibly good against my skin. 

"You know I only did so well because you were watching." He said as he came up for air. I looked up at him and moved down to the floor.

We opened the door and left the room trying to not look suspicious. Someone cleared their throat just as we shut the door.

It was Roger, with his arms crossed. He looked still beyond sweaty, his blonde hair was stuck to his forehead. He held a water bottle in his hand, a smirk spread across his face.

"You two get busy in there?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know what you are talking about," I responded. Roger walked closer to us, looking us both up and down.

"Well for starters your hair is all messed up, both of you." He observed.

"It was like that before," John replied.

"Well that could be true I guess. But you are telling me if I go in there I won't find a used condom in the trash?!"

"No..." I mumbled looking down at my shoes. "You won't..."

"Well, that hickey on your neck Nina speaks for itself."

I quickly pulled my compact mirror out of my pocket. Roger was right. There, just starting to become prominent was the mark. I was about to say something when John spoke for me.

"So we had sex, big deal."

"Ah-ha!" Roger yelled throwing his hand up in the air. "I got you to admit it."

He walked away clearly very happy with himself.

"At least we give him joy," I said looking up at John. He nodded.

"I mean someone's got to."

"Go fish," I said.

"Damn you, Jackson," Roger yelled. We were sitting in the lobby of the hotel in the lounge area, just having a cool down before we all went off to sleep.

"Sorry, I play to win." I shrugged.

"It's like poker night all over again," Brian muttered which caused Maggie and Mary to laugh. I glared at him.

"Man you throw one box of Oreos at someone and suddenly you're the problem."

Freddie snorted. He was sitting across from me, Mary next to him, his arm resting on the back of her chair. John was sitting next to me, sipping on his water quietly.

"Oh my gosh, it's Queen!"

All of us turned to see a teenage girl with I assume her mother.

"I just saw you guys open for Mott the Hoople! I have your album too! I really enjoy your music..." She told us stunned. She looked to be around fifteen, she had short brown hair in a bob style. She was wearing a Mott the Hoople t-shirt with red flare pants. "Oh my gosh, I'm freaking out." She said looking up at her mum.

A Killer Queen (John Deacon)Where stories live. Discover now