Chapter 8: Unexpected Meeting

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~the next day~

??? POV

I was walking in the hallway and I am already late. If only I finished my task early, then I won't be late to my classes. I still need to drop by to the principal office for my report. And worst of all, my first class has the strictest teacher and to add to that, we have exam that I didn't have time to study for. What worse can happen this day?

I sighed and walked faster in order not to be late.

And suddenly...

I bumped into someone.

All my paper  had been scattered around and it was a mess.

Seriously? What a day.

"Sorry. Sorry. I didn't saw you. I was just in a hurry." I apologized and looked to know who did I bumped into.



She is here?

Since when? And why?

As I was in the state of questioning myself, she already gathered all my papers and handed them to me. There were still a lot of questions that I still want to ask, but then...

"I'm sorry for bumping you earlier. Are you alright? I really am sorry." she said.

"... it's alright." I said with a low voice that seems to be whispering.

~10 minutes earlier~

Phili's POV

"Hey!!! If you woke up early, then we wouldn't be rushing right now!" Malay said as he tries to run faster.

"Bodoh! I told you to wake me up!! Ini bukan hanya salahku! (Stupid! I told you to wake me up!! It's not just my fault!) Indo replied as he catch up to Malay.

"Guys, it's fine. We just need to be faster if we don't want to be late." I said to them. But then suddenly...I bumped into someone.

I fell on the ground and I saw that his papers had been scattered around. I immediately got up and picked all the papers to give it to him.

"I'm sorry for bumping you earlier. Are you alright? I really am sorry." I said to him. I looked at him and recognized him, he was my friend, Japan. It's been a while since I have seen him.

He replied but I didn't heard it because he said it in a weak voice and also the argument of Malay and Indo are loud.

After that, I smiled at him and went already...of course we need to catch up to our class.


"Finally...right on time" Indo said while still gasping his breath.

"Good for you we're not late, or else our teacher will be mad at us! I don't want extra work from Uncle Asean just like last time." Malay said sadly.

"Good day students, why are you still standing at the doorway? Please proceed to you seats." our teacher calmly said behind us.

I hope he didn't heard what they are saying about us being late.

"Ohh, perhaps you are Ms. Philippines, the new student who arrived yesterday, right? Good day, I am Sir United Kingdom, but you can refer me as Sir Britain. I will be your Homeroom teacher and also your English teacher. Please kindly introduce yourself in front of the class." he added as we enter the classroom.

"Everyone, please kindly listen to our new student here. You can proceed now, Ms. Philippines." he said as he looked at me and smiled.

"Hello, I'm Philippines. Phili for short. I'm happy to be with you guys. I hope we can get along."

"Thank you for that introduction, Ms. Phili, you can now sit on your seat. I believe it's in there, between Sir Malay and Sir Indo, treat her kindly and don't cause any trouble." he said as he point out where my seat is.

I'm happy that my seat is near them, since I still don't know many students here.

A few minutes after my introduction, there's a knock on the door and as it opened and we saw Japan, who was really late for the class.

"Sorry Sir Britain, I'm late. It's because of my student council duties. May I come in?" he said.

"I understand. You may come in. You missed the introduction of Ms. Phili. I hope you can assist her with the things in this school. Let's proceed to our lesson." our teacher calmly said.

"Yes sir. I understand." Japan said loud and clear.

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