『until we meet again

Start from the beginning

Your eyes then glance up at Xai Bau who is riddled with anger. "I tire of these games. Grab the Avatar now while Ming Hua and Gazan fight off the others."

Zaheer walks over and grabs Korra by the neck. She screams and kicks around, beginning her flurry of attacks which now results in her pelting rocks at Zaheer. Yet he remains stoic and unbreaking. 

You reach out and pull Korra over to you but again another arrow flies through and pierces your arm. This time you suppress your scream with a growl. Your head feels lighter, and you wonder if this is truly your end.

Xai bau stands over you with narrowed eyes. "If only you understood and accepted our motives. If only you embraced our philosophy. You would have been so useful to us. But I know now that you are just the lapdog to the Avatar and Fire Lord. Ignorant of your chains, blinded by your reverie of authority. Killed by your decisions in keeping a fictitious order."

You struggle to find a way out of all of this, but a haze fogs your mind. You are losing consciousness from the blood loss while Xai Bau's deadly stare promises your demise. He points an arrow to your head, and you realize that killing you with fire would probably produce some splash damage onto Korra and this spiritual place he wants to preserve. 

An arrow to the head is his only recourse.

"You will... never see...your ideas to fruition in the long-term fashion... you desire." Those are your last words to them, your last words to utter. 

"Goodbye, [Name]." Before he can release the arrow, a gust of wind thrashes everywhere and a flash of light follows. The arrow finally releases but it hits the space beside your head. You are suddenly forced deeper into the forest by the wind until you reside above an iced floor.

There is a bright orb beneath it, emitting a warm energy that calms your frazzled body. 'Is this a spirit portal? But wait, what is happening?'

You meekly turn your head and spot Korra in her Avatar mode. It appears that Xai Bau and Zaheer were blown in the opposite direction as Korra floats near you with rage in her expression. Who knew a toddler could look so menacing? 

Korra notices your injured form not too far and hovers over you. She extends her arm and allows the water to gently rise from the snow. It extends over your stomach to nurse your gaping wound. Some relief is given but then you notice Xai Bau aiming another arrow straight at you again.

Death flashes before your eyes once more, but as the arrow travels, you notice a blur take the arrow for you. It takes moments for you to pull your vision away from Korra and onto the floor. Tears spills heavily down your cheeks when you realize just what had happened. Korra instantly flicks Xai Bau further away with her waterbending, but the damage is too late.

You eyes gaze down at the rodent beside your dying form. "H-Hammy.... no..." you cry out softly. "Korra, Korra, please... save him," you try to croak out as your weakened arms cradle him. 

She floats forward until her feet reside on the ice floor, right above the orb. Upon the touch of the Avatar, the spirit portal below rumbles with energy until it shoots out a beam of light. It travels to the top of the sky and alerts all those surrounding the area.

You watch the spectacle with bleary eyes, feeling the last of your breath slip from your parted lips. Suddenly, the ground beneath you begins to swallow your form. Your mouth cannot form any words despite your attempts to call out to Korra. However, the girl seems preoccupied in her Avatar form. She calls forth her elements to continue forcing Xai Bau and Zaheer away from you.

One strike to the head and Xai Bau falls unconscious, yet Zaheer grabs hold of the man before he falls face first.

'Korra, please be safe,' you think as you see her fall out of Avatar form and settle softly on the floor near the portal. More tears fall at your failure as you watch Zaheer travel closer to the unconscious girl.

The light beam begins to dim until it is but a thin light that fetters into nothing. The portal closes with you long gone from the physical realm.

And you have no idea what will come of Korra's capture.


"What was that?!" Sokka exclaims as he gazes at the ray. 

Fire Lord Zuko analyzes the situation before him then stares at Tonraq. "I think it is Korra activating her powers."

Ming Hua eyes the group warily. She has sustained critical injuries, weakening her powers, and does not know how much longer she can hold out against such strong adversaries. 

"She's alive," Tonraq sighs with relief. "Thank goodness... Thank goodness, [Name] has kept her safe." He holds his emotions, locking them tight despite his need to weep out his relief. Knowing his daughter's status stirs an appetite for justice, and he glares at the assailant in front of him. None will leave here with her; none will take her from him. 

"Then we must hurry with them and deal with the rest," Tonraq concludes as he rushes forward against Ming Hua.

If only he knew just who had been taken from him.


A/N: I just wanna say this, all who left will return. I am sorry for the angst and incoming angst in the next 2-3  chapters. These are the final chapters either way so not much left till the ending. I may/may not post extra chapters of epilogue depending on enthusiasm. But we will see when we get there. All I know is that 2022 will be the end of the story, and I want to thank all those who have read and enjoyed the story so far. <3

The Unpredictable Fire Adventurers [General Iroh II x Reader] [Legend of Korra]Where stories live. Discover now