Mauer: "Well too bad the boss told us he was going to join us." Mauer, clearly the leader looked apologetic.

Y/n: "No need to apologize for his behaviour." Y/n said hoping to at least defuse the situation a little bit. "Should we head in?" He asked grabbing a torch from his backpack.

Galsa: "Why do you have such a big bag with you?" The girl asked intrigued.

Y/n: "Oh I just made it my personal rule to always carry enough food to last me a month if I enter a Dungeon. One time of being stuck in a Trap Dungeon for a month with only a stale loaf of bread was enough."

Livi: "How did you survive?" The rather small boy asked timidly.

Y/n: "I was lucky enough to find drinkable water but for food... well turns out you can eat Grimm, you just have to do it while they are alive. Trust me they taste worse then they look."

Mauer: "You ate Grimm?" The boy asked shocked and Y/n did not blame him or the others, heck even Charson looked shocked.

Y/n: "I had to do what I had to do. But we should get going. Please lead the way. We can talk formation once we reach the Dungeon."

Mauer: "Yeah." They entered the ruined town. "Since the hallways were rather narrow, we most likely have to go single file, with either me and you taking the front and back. Second and second to last would be Charson and Galsa, Bura and Livi taking the center." Y/n nodded. The formation Mauer suggested was the best.

Y/n: "I am rather tall-" He heard Galsa and Livi snort out a laugh. "So I think me taking the rear guard would be best. I doubt I can use most of my Summons in there, but that will remain to be seen I guess." This earned him a few nods. "However I can send Hugin and Munin, two of my Summons to scout ahead." The mentioned bird appeared on his shoulders.

Bura: "So you are a Summoner?" Y/n looked at the boy and shook his head.

Y/n: "Not really, it is complicated. I got these Summons but I also have fighting and worker skills. I can kinda learn everything with enough time." Y/n explained. They soon entered the narrow corridors of the dungeon. Luckily he did not need the torch as the walls were decorated with already burning ones. Sending Hugin and Munin ahead to scout the group entered and began to traverse the maze like building. It did not take long till they stumbled upon the first Grimm. A Crawler, dog sized spiders. It was clear why the dungeon was B-Rank if Crawlers are the common Grimm type walking the corridors. The spider like Grimm, like their insect counterpart have venom and are able to bind you with their silk. Additionally where one Crawler lurks others are never far away.

The narrow corridors did not help either, but luckily the spell caster were still there and thanks to Mauer the Crawlers stayed put. However it was quickly clear that they were in a maze. Mauer had Y/n carve arrows pointing back the way they came from every few steps and everytime they made a turn. Soon the Crawler-kills had entered the double digets, not long after over 50 had been encountered and killed. Hugin and Munin would ocassionally come back to tell Y/n about their findings. Mostly they found more crossways and even more corridors full of Grimm.

Munin: "We found a room with 4 corridors leading in and out.~" Finally something else and possibly a place to rest, something the group, except Y/n, really needed at this point.

Y/n: "Lead the way." The group followed the bird and soon they entered the mentioned room. The inside looked nearly identical to the corridors but at least there was more space. "I think we should take a rest here." Y/n suggested.

Mauer: "That would be smart. Galsa can you block of the entrances except the one were we came from?" Instead of answering the girl just did what was asked of her. "Ok Bura and Y/n keep watch while the others rest."

Y/n: "Bura can rest too. I can have my Summons keep watch with me." Hugin and Munin landed back on his shoulders and a dog sized Fenrir also came out of his shadow. Seeing no problem with that everyone prepared their resting spots and Y/n went to sit in one of the corners. "This Dungeon is really taxing. Not nearly enough space." Y/n complained to his wolf companion.

Fenrir: "Not everyone is 2,60 Meters tall."

Y/n: "Wait really? I am that tall?" Y/n asked confused and a little shocked, no wander he was getting all those strange looks all the time.

Hugin: "And you could probably deadlift a ton or two.~" That left the boy speechless. The time to swap guards had come and Y/n layed down to rest.

Once again he found himself back in Valhalla. He looked around and saw a lot of people he had never seen before feasting upon the prepared meals. Some looked confused, some just enjoyed the food others were crying, all of them, however, clearly shared two things, they had died and they were Heroes.

Y/n: "Hello valued Heroes." Y/n spoke to get everyone attention. "I hope the food is to your liking. Now as some of you already know you have died. I do not know how you died but I can guess it was fighting. If you look around you, you can see numerous doors, each door leads to the equivelant of heaven in a religion. Please come forth one by one. I will grant you one last wish before sending you off to your deserved rest."

One by one Y/n spoke to the fallen heroes, some had questions while others just accepted their death. The last wishes he had granted were mostly things like giving them their weapon so they can step into heaven with it in hand, some asked for special meals or drinks, a few wished to get more questions answered and those who wished to go back would get theirs denied. There was even a pair that fought against some of Y/ns guards hoping that that would bring them back to live, instead all it did for them was take away their chance to go to heaven and instead Y/n opened the door leading to hell for them and as it turned out you can not escape that, tendrils of energy made sure. He felt bad as he watched the two get forcefully dragged into the darkness of their religions hell, Y/n did not care which it was, he just knew which door belong to who.

As it was time to wake up Y/n had guided 37 heroes to their deserved afterlife, none stayed with him in Valhalla.

Voice: "I see you have accepted your task." Y/n heard the voice once again. "Makes it alot easier for me." Was the last thing he heard before waking up.

Mauer: "It is time to continue our journey." Y/n nodded and packed up his things. "You mumbled in your sleep, no idea what, it sounded like a whole nother language to be honest, just felt like you should know."

Y/n: "Ah... ehm, no idea what that was all about. Sorry if I disturbed your sleep."

Mauer: "Ah don't worry, only Charson is pissy about it and... well it's Charson." The boy said with a shrugg.

Charson: "I swear to Oum I will roast you." The Wizard growled out.

Bura: "We know you wont." Another growl escaped the Wizard as the others laughed. They soon continued making their way through the maze. More Crawlers appeared and the groups grew in numbers the longer they journeyed ahead.

It took another whole day till they finally reached what could be the boss room and they decided to rest before going into battle.

Livi: "Hey Y/n, I was wondering." Y/n looked at the cleric. "Where did you get that horn?" He asked pointing at Y/ns belt. Confused Y/n looked down and low and behold there was a strange horn made out of shadows attached to his belt. Grabbing it Y/n took a closer look and even activated 'One-Eyed' making his one eye nearly plop out from how wide it got in shock.

Name: Gjallarhorn
Type: Horn
Rank: S+

That is it for this chapter, for those that noticed me spamming the older chapters, I went back and changed Mugin to Munin in all of them. Someone pointed out my mistake and so I decided to correct that.

For those interested in the HololiveEN x Male VTuber Reader, please head to my profile and look into the vote book.

Let me know what you thought about this chapter.

Stay healthy and have a nice week.

Wolfy out.

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