Chapter 36 Final Goodbyes

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Chapter 36

Final Goodbyes 

"Have a safe trip, sweetheart." My mother hugged me tightly to her chest. 

"Mom it's just going to be for two weeks." I adjusted the strap on my shoulder. "I'll be home before you even go back to work."

"I know," she touched my cheek. "It's just hard to let you go again."

She hugged my one more time. "You got your money for the bus."

I nodded and patted my pocket. 

"You sure you packed everything, you'll need."

"Yes mom. I'll be back soon. There's no need to worry." I leaned forward and kissed her cheek. "Bye."

"Bye," she whispered.

With tears in her eyes, she reluctantly got back into the car. I watched her pull out of the parking lot and drive down the road before grabbing my stuff and walking into the bus station. 

I bought my ticket and sat down to wait. I really hoped I was doing the right thing.


I got out of the taxi and paid the driver. Fixing my duffle bag over my shoulder, I looked up at the hospital that Luke had taken me too when he save me from Adam. Letting out a deep breath, I entered and walked to the elevator. I didn't make eye contact with any more and went directly to the intensive care unit. No one stopped me or asked me any questions along the way. I guess I had such a determined looked on my face that everyone thought I was supposed to be there. 

Dropping my bag on the floor, I stopped at the window and stared in at the blond boy sleeping in the bed. Jimmy didn't have as many any tubes or wires coming off him now, and the bruises and cuts and healed. He just looked like a small boy that had simply fallen asleep and would wake up at any minute.

I pressed my hand on the glass and whispered a pray that he would just open his eyes. Life doesn't work like that though and my one true friend remain lost within his mind. Whether or not he could hear me, I had something to say and I needed to do it before I could move on with my life.

"Jimmy," I whispered. "I'm sorry for everything." I could already feel the tears burning in my eyes. "I'm sorry for getting us involved with Adam. For not being there when you needed me. For putting though so much shit." I wiped my face. "If God will still listen to someone like me, I'll pray everyday that you get better and find that man you always hoped would fall in love with you and take you away from all this." I cleared my throat and took a deep breath. "You remember talking about that don't you." I cleared my eyes with my bottom of my shirt.

"You were right. It is possible for someone to love people like us. I know that now. And I wanted you to know that I'm doing what's going to make me happy." I closed my eyes, running though my thoughts one more time to see if I had anything else to say to him. "You going to wake up one day. I know you will. You're a strong kid, a pain in the ass sometimes, but you're tougher than you look," I said with a smile. "You better not start smoking weed again either. No one going to want a kid missing all his teeth." 

I stared at his face and ran my hand down the glass. "Bye Jimmy."

I grabbed my bag and left the way I came without another word.


I waited outside Luke's building for him to come home. The guy at the front desk had luckily recognized me and told me he wasn't in. I didn't understand why I felt so nervous. My hands were shaking and I couldn't stand still. For once, I was the one chasing him, and it was scary as hell for some reason. 

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