Chapter Twenty-eight It's Your Turn to be Happy

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Chapter Twenty-eight

It’s Your Turn to be Happy

I felt something brush through my hair and couldn’t help but smile when Luke started placing soft kisses along my jaw.

“How’d you sleep?” he asked when I opened my eyes.

“Surprisingly well,” I laughed, stretching my arms above my head. “You?”

He shifted his weight on the couch.  “A little cramped.”

I shrugged. “It’s not my fault you have long legs.”

“Hmmm….” He rolled on top of me. “Is that so?”

I nodded before leaning in for a kiss. He pulled me closer and slipped his tongue into the action. 

I drew back breathing hard. “Don’t get carried away,” I stated. “It not like we can do anything if you get over-excited.”

“Arg,” he groaned and banged his forehead gently on my chest. “Don’t remind me.”

“Gavin,” said a soft voice.

Sitting up, I saw Jimmy standing at the end of the couch. I smiled, but if quickly faded when I saw the blood drain down his arm. “Jimmy, I told you not to pick at them.” 

I crawled out from under Luke, who pouted at me for getting up. After yesterday little talk, I know I needed to be more understand of his needs, but Jimmy was bleeding, so this time he was just going to have deal with it. 

I grabbed Jimmy’s arm and shook my head at him. “You’re going to make it worse.”

Luke got off the couch and walked passed us. “I’ll start on breakfast.”

I opened my mouth, planning on telling him not bother that I’d eat later, but I held my tongue. He glanced back at me, while I was having this mental battle, and only gave me a smirk when he saw my mouth quickly close.

“Kay,” I muttered, bowing my head and leading Jimmy to a bar stool. “I’ll be right back.” 

“There a first aid kit under the sink in the bathroom,” called Luke as I hurried down the hall.

“Thanks,” I yelled back as I went into the bedroom. 

I walked over to the bed to see blood specks on the sheets. Rubbing my face, I could help but feel guilty for leaving him all alone last night. The boy was sick; he need someone there to take care of him.

Going to the bathroom, I quickly located the traditional white box and went back to the kitchen. Jimmy was still sitting where I left him with his shoulder hunched over. I sat down beside him and grabbed his arm. 

Whatever Luke was cooking, it smelled pretty good and my stomach decided to make that fact know. I glanced over at Luke and could tell he was trying not to laugh. Maybe he was right I needed to take better care of myself and not be constantly tending to Jimmy.

I finished wrapping up his arms just in time for Luke to set down a plate in front to me. It was some kind of omelet with bacon and ham mixed into it. I took a bite and had to admit that Luke was a good cook.

He gave one to Jimmy and then came around the counter to sit by me with one of his own. “How is it?”

“Really good.”

Clasping the back of my neck, he pulled me over and kissed the top of my head. 

We ate in silence before Luke gathered his and my plates and up them in the sink. Jimmy had barely touch his food. I was about to asked him if he was feeling alright but Luke snuck up behind me and hugged me tightly. 

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