Chapter twenty-one Fighting for Survival

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Chapter twenty-one

Fighting for Survival 

To say Luke was mad would be an understatement. His eyes stared down the road in front of us as he clutched the steering wheel with white knuckles. His shoulder were tense as a vein pulsed from his neck.

“How old are you?” he snapped. 

I fidgeted in my seat, wondering where that came from. “We already went over this,” I muttered.

“Cut it out.” He slammed on the break, even though the light had barely turned yellow, sending me flying into the dash.

“God Luke,” I groaned. “A little warning please?”

He turned in his seat. “Tell me the truth, or I’m taking you back to the police station as a runaway minor.”

“Well it’s a good thing I’m not a minor,” I muttered. I wasn’t going to be someone he could just push around. I was tired of everyone thinking they could just do whatever they wanted with me.  

“Now Gavin!” 

I looked out the window and sat in silence until the light turned green. Luke didn’t move, he kept staring at me. The car behind us started honking their horn. Luke answered by putting the car in park. 

“What does it matter!” I stated, banging my knee on the dash. 

“If it doesn’t matter then tell me.”

I folded my arms. “You’ll get mad.”

“I’m far past mad right now Gavin, so start talking.” 

The driver behind us was laying on the horn. Luke rolled down his window and flipped him the bird as the light switched back to red. The car zipped around us and ran the light, leaving us alone on the roadway.

“I’m not moving this car until you tell me.”

I lowered my head and prepare for the worse. “Eighteen.”

“God.” Luke laid his head on the steering wheel. “Did I-” He looked over at me.

“No,” I muttered. “My birthday was a months before we met.”

“You have to be fucking kidding me.” Luke slammed his fist down and put the car in drive. “I slept with a child practically.”

“I’m considered an adult thank you very much. If they can ship me off to war, I damn well better be able to sleep with whoever I want.”

He shook his head at me. “It’s not even like you’re almost nineteen either. Hell you’re probably still in high school.”

“Are you even listening to me?”

“I slept with an eighteen year old.” He rubbed his face. “How stupid can I be? Everyone else could tell he was lying about his age but me.”

“You’re being ridiculous,” I snapped. “I’m eighteen get over it. Most guys would like to fuck a younger guy.”

“I don’t sleep with teenagers,” he stated. “Eight-teen sort of falls in that category.”

“It’s not like I wanted to sleep with you either,” I whispered.

Luke glared at me, but didn’t say anything in return. He really was starting to piss me off. 


Luke open the door to his apartment and threw me inside. I stumbled but managed to stay on my feet. The rest of the car ride home hadn’t done me any favors when it came to his attitude. Backing up against the couch, I watched him fling his keys across the counter clutched the counter and rip off his coat.

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