Chapter Twenty-three Why?

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Chapter Twenty-three


Luke placed me softly on the ground while he took out his keys to unlock the door. His cellphone started buzzing, and he dug it out of his pocket. “Melissa,” he read. Flipping it open, he muttered an hello. 

I felt rather pathetic just sitting there, so somehow I managed to stand while he was distracted. I wasn’t completely helpless; I could at least walk to the bedroom by myself. Unfortunately all it took was lifting my leg to take a step, and I was sent crashing to the ground. 

“Shit,” Luke cursed as he grabbed me around the shoulder and dropped to his knees with me. He set me against the wall as he located his cellphone. “Don’t move. You’re not supposed to walk.” He held the receiver to his ear. “No, nothing wrong,” he muttered, “He’s fine. You don’t need to come over.” Standing he opened the door and threw his bloody coat and keys inside. “I didn’t make him walk,” he snapped. “I carried him. I’m not that stupid.”

Head bowed, I waited for him to return. I didn’t even bother to adjusted the blanket that was draped over my feet. I just felt like a helpless idiot, not even able to do a simple thing like walking.

Luke came back for me and knelt down. Tire and sore, I fell into his chest and let him pick me up. There was no use fighting it, I was going to have to let him take care of me. 

He took me to his bedroom and laid me down. “Rest, okay?” Luke brushed back my hair. “I’m going to get your something to eat, well drink, and some clothes.” 

“Kay,” I whispered. 

He kissed my cheek before leaving. I noticed that nothing had changed; his room was exactly like I remembered it. I just never thought I’d be back here, though. 

I rolled over and slowly sat up. It hurt, but I wanted to see what I had done to myself. I carefully rose to my feet and used the furniture to get to the bathroom. The last bit I had to rely on only myself, and practically flung myself across the walkway. Somehow, my legs held, and I grasped the doorknob for support. My body was shaking with exhaustion simply from the small journey across the room. 

I opened the door and made sure Luke wasn’t coming. I needed to see this, and I was pretty sure he would try and stop me if he know. 

Closing the door softly behind me, I staggered to the bathroom sink and stared into the mirror. Tears poured down my face before I could stop them. There’s was nothing pretty about the creature before me. I didn’t even look human. My skin was so many colors. I brushed my hair out of my eyes and started to cry even harder. Death was the only way I could describe how I felt about my appearance. 

I sunk to the floor and dragged my naked remnants of a body to the far wall. Lying there, I covered my face and sobbed. There was nothing I could do to hold it in. I hate myself. I hated what I done to myself.

“Gavin!” The bathroom door flew open, and Luke hurried to me. “I told you to rest. You lost a lot of blood.”

“Don’t touch me!” I wept, knocking his hand away. 

“Gavin please, let me help you.”

I inched away from him and climbed up the wall to a seated position. “No. I d-don’t want you to.”

“Gavin.” He scooted closer and gently caressed my cheek. “It’s okay. No one going to hurt you here.”

“No, it’s not!” 

I didn’t my best to shove him away from me. He barely moved and tried to pull me to him. I fell back and dragged myself across the floor.

“I told you I don’t want your help.” I grabbed the shower door handle and clambered to my feet. My knees gave out almost instantly, but Luke was there to catch me before I slammed onto the tile floor. 

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