Chapter fourteen A Drunken Favor

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Chapter fourteen

A Drunken Favor

I jolted out of bed as something crashed downstairs. Shit.

“Jimmy wake up.” I shook the figure laying beside me. “Jimmy, you need to wake up now.”

“What?” He rubbed his eyes still half asleep. 

I grabbed his arm and pulled him onto the floor. “Get under the bed.”

Jimmy slid underneath, his eyes wide with fear. We both turned to look at the door as we heard someone stumbling up the stairs. 

Stuffing blankets around him, I did my best to hid him. “Listen.” I looked him dead in the eyes. “As soon as I get him out of here, you run down and hid with Kim. Alright?”

“Gavin,” he whimpered. “What about you?”

“I’ll be fine, okay. Don’t move.” 

I’m the strong one, and it’s my job to protect him. I held a finger to Jimmy’s lips and hushed him before he could say anything else. I stuffed the final blanket into place as the door was flung open and a drunk Adam stumbled inside. I slowly lifted myself onto the bed, watching his every move. 

“Where’s Jim?” He lazily looked around the room.

“Gone,” I replied. “You sent him out remember.”

Adam pointed a finger at me. “Why ain’t you workin-” He took a swig from the glass bottle in his hands.

“I-I…” I leaned back as he approached me. 

He shoved me onto the bed and ran a hand up my stomach. “Luke find himself a better whore?” Leaning down, he pressed his lips along my ear. “Don’t worry, I still got a use for ya.”

Grabbing my wrist, he yanked me up right and dragged me towards the door. “We’re gonna have a hell of a good time tonight Gavy.” 

I was pulled into Adam’s room and thrown on the bed. He slammed the bottle down on the dresser and began to undress. I slid off the shorts I was wearing, not wanting to aggravate an already drunken Adam. 

Once naked, he crawled onto the bed and opened his legs. “Get to work,” he said as he dug in his nightstand drawer. 

He pulled out a couple already rolled joints and lit one. I took his member in my mouth as he took in a couple deep breaths and blow the smoke on me. 

“Hurry up, so I can fuck that ass.” He slapped my side. 

My skin prickled, but that was only the beginning of tonight events. I increased my efforts but no matter what I did, he wasn’t getting hard. And with each passing second, Adam was getting angrier. He didn’t like to be kept waiting.

“What’s takin’ so long.” He kneed me in the stomach.

I clasped my side, relieved I hadn’t bit him. He would have punched me in the jaw until I couldn’t open my mouth. Sitting up, I was hesitant to look at him. This is why I always hid Jimmy when Adam stumbled into the house drunk and wanted sex. 

“You stupid whore!” He punched me hard in the face. 

I toppled on my side, my eyes watering. 

“Can’t do nothing right.”

He hit me again and landed another blow to my crotch, causing the air to rush from me. I curled up on the bed as he continued to beat me. My arms wrapped tightly around my head trying to ease the impact slightly for my face. 

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