Chapter ten Midnight Scare

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Chapter ten

Midnight Scare

I walked to my room and to see Jimmy sprawled across the bed, naked. 

“Is that really necessary?” I asked. 

“Yep, Kim washing all my clothes.” He rolled over, watching me. “So lover boy how was your night with Luke.” He bit his lip and raised an eyebrow.

“None of your damn business.” 

“Oh I think it is?” Climbing off the bed, he walked over to me and grabbed the band of my pants. “Are these new?”

I slapped his hand away. “He felt bad for me and bought them.”

“And a shirt,” said Jimmy circling around me, “Oh and even a new jacket.” He tossed one of the drawstrings in my face. “I think Gavy has a admirer.”

“Shut up.”

“Gavy has a boyfriend,” he sang. “Who likes his body, and think he’s a hottie.” 

“Jimmy knock it off!” I snapped.

He pranced around the room still singing the stupid song he’d just made up.

“Jimmy, I mean it,” I threatened, shielding my eyes, as he started to jump on the bed. “This is becoming a little too much for even me.”

He hopped down and cocked one of his hips. “Please Gavin, it’s not like it something new.” He sat back down and patted the spot next to him. 

I trudged over to him and plopped down beside him

“So was it as good the second time?”

I leaned forward and pulled on my hair. “Better,” I admitted. “God, that man ruined me.” I flung myself back and covered my face. 

The door flung open, and Adam entered. He glanced at me. “When did you get back?”

“Just barely, I got mixed up on the busses,” I quickly lied.

He muttered something, before turning his attention to Jimmy. “Let’s go. Guy waiting for you in the guest bedroom.”

With a sigh, Jimmy crawled off the bed and walked out the door. 

Adam slapped his ass as he passed. Entering the room, he closed the door. “That guy called.”

My heart stopped as I waited to hear whether this was good or bad.

“Luke, I think his name was,” said Adam. “He wants you again this Friday. Whatever going on between you too don’t mess it up. Not everyone willing to dish out seven hundred for your ass.”

“Kay,” I replied. “I won’t.”

He stepped into the hall. “You got someone tonight.”

I nodded and kept my eyes on the floor.

“Remember what we talk about,” he stated. “You wouldn’t want me to give you another lesson.”

“I will,” I whispered as he left. 


I stumbled into the house after literally getting my ass thrown out on the curd. That guy was definitely a keeper, didn’t even bother to get a dumpy room to screw me in. God, I hate cheapskates. 

I dragged myself up the stairs to a not so pleasant sound. Adam’s door was open, and I could see Jimmy’s blond hair being crushed into the mattress. He wimped softly as Adam used him roughly. Kim was right, no matter what Adam said he was at least bi. 

Just wanting to get this guys smell off me, I closed the door for them and hurried into the bathroom. Stepping into the tub, I turned on the shower. The warm water felt amazing on my sweating skin. I did my regular routine before getting out and heading back to my room. Kim had been here. It was actually clean for once. I found a ratty old blanket to use to dry me off before getting dressed in a pair of shorts. 

The sound from the next room was getting louder. This is why Kim insisted on the room in the basement. Adam was never quiet when it came to sex. Luckily for me, he preferred Jimmy. I felt bad for the kid, but I’d be lying if I said I was thankful it wasn’t me having to be constantly pounded when the boss felt horny. 

Grabbing a blanket off the bed, I went downstairs and set on the back step. It was surprisingly peaceful. No animals fighting or the neighbors yelling. A passing car grabbed my attention. 

“Shit,” I breathed. I darted inside and hurried up the stairs. “Adam!” I yelled banging on the door. 

“Beat it Gavin, or you’re next.”

Jimmy groaned as the bed springs squealed.

“Adam, there’s a cop car outside,” I shouted. I heard a thud before the door being ripped open. 

Adam pulled his pants the rest of the way up and started doing them up. “Get in there, and keep quiet.” He glanced back at Jimmy. “We’ll finish this when I figure out what they’re doing.” He shoved me inside and shut the door. 

Jimmy curled up at the top of the bed. I wrapped my quilt around him.

“Thanks,” he said with a small smile. He was doing his best to hide his erection from me. 

I tucked the blanket around him, so everything was hidden. Sitting beside him, I flipped up my hood and leaned against the bed board.

“How was your night?” asked Jimmy, wiping his face.

“Better than yours, like usual.” 

Our eyes met, and we both laughed softly. We had to. Because in our lives, moment like these were all we got. If we didn’t laugh about them we wouldn’t at all.


“Here you go sweetheart,” said Kim, dropping a plate of eggs and toast in front of me. 

Jimmy sat across from me enjoying his cereal. He really was just a kid. Forget the nineteen years he been on this plant, he was still fourteen no matter how someone looked at him. 

“Thanks Kim.”

Adam stormed into the kitchen yelling into his phone. “If you’re the reason the cops were staking out my place last time…” He paced back into the living room. 

I glanced at Kim who simply smiled. She walked by me and brushed back my hair, before taking the seat beside me. 

“Damn it!” cursed Adam, slamming his cell on the counter. 

“What is it this time, Adam?” asked Kim, eyeing her brother.

“We either have a rat or an undercover cop. Don’t matter which, I’m going to find out who’s been talking. You two,” he motioned between me and Jimmy. “You’re not to leave the house, got it?”

We both nodded. Adam grabbed his coat and headed for the door.

“Where are you going?” called Kim, going after him.

“I need to go get something to clear my head.” 

The door slammed, and Kim stomped back into the kitchen.

“Code for, going to get high,” she muttered, while tossing the breakfast dishes in the sink.

Jimmy and I shot each other looks. A drunk Adam was one thing, a high one was something to avoid completely. 

Kim must’ve noticed our nervous expressions. “After you’re done, you boys go upstairs and get everything you need. You can hid in the basement with me until he get this out of his system.”

This is why I love Kim.

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