Chapter seven Broken Down

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Chapter seven

Broken Down

Entering the house, I slammed the door after another horrible night. Adam laid completely wasted on the couch with a couple of his friends, like usual. I trudged upstairs and bursted into my room. Jimmy was snuggled up naked in a blanket on the floor. The fresh marks on his body told me Adam’s friend had a little more fun than just a couple of beers. Poor kid.

I knelt beside him and propped up his small form. 

“Gavin,” he groaned, wiping his eyes. “When did you get home?”

“Just barely.” I picked him up and plopped him down on the bed. Going over to my pile of clothes, I rifled through it looking for something somewhat decent to wear. The bastard had kicked me out before I could take a shower, and waking home smelling like an overweight pervert was getting to me. 

“How was your night,” yawned Jimmy, stretching his arms above his head.

“Don’t want to talk about?” I muttered.

A smile spread across his face. “It happened again. Didn’t it?”

“Why don’t you go play with Adam’s friends some more?” I shot back annoyed. I didn’t need him rubbing in my sexual frustration. 

He laughed at me and dangled a leg over the edge of the bed. “So what is this, almost two weeks and you haven’t gotten off once.”

“I have to,” I snapped. 

“I believe yesterday you compared it to a hard sneeze,” he said.

I grabbed an arm load of clothes and dumped it on his head. “I was mad, and probably drunk.”

“It was like eight when you got home. So I find it unlikely that you were drunk.” He shoved the clothes off him before sashayed to the corner where he kept his. 

“Why don’t you go get high or something?” I retorted unable to think of anything to combat that.

He giggled and pulled on a shirt. “At least when I’m getting fuck, cumming isn’t a problem.” Picking up some pants, he stepped into them. “Most guys don’t have that problem until they’re fifty.”

I growled at him and grabbed my clothes. Marching out of the room, I disappeared into the bathroom and locked the door. After stripping, I turned the shower on and began the regular routine of scrubbing ever inch of skin. 

I hate him, oh how I hated that man. Because of Luke, I had almost mastered the fake orgasm and found ways to force myself to climax. My sexual tension was getting higher with each failed customer. Adam was right, if I’m going to do I might as well enjoy it to degree. Sex is supposed to simple, and after Luke it’s become the most frustrating thing in the world.

There was a knock on the door and I turned off the water. 


“Hurry up and get out,” said Adam. “We need to talk.”

My pulse skyrocketed. Someone noticed. I turned the shower back on and quickly finished. It was never a smart idea to keep Adam waiting. Getting out, I was only able to find a hand towel so I dried off with that before getting dressed. My heart was pounding as my heart was filled with different possibilities of why he wanted to talk. 

I unlocked the door and stepped into the hall. 

“Gavin,” called Adam from downstairs. “I’m waiting.”

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