Chapter thirty-one In the Arms of a Monster

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Chapter thirty-one

In the Arms of a Monster

“Gavin,” whispered a soft voice.

Opening my eyes, I nearly cried when I saw who it was standing beside the bed. “Jimmy.” I tried to reach out for him, but the metal cuffs held me back. “Aw,” I muttered through gritted teeth. 

“Don’t pull on them.” Jimmy set a tray of food on the nightstand and climbed onto the bed. He examined my wrist. “They’re already getting raw.”

I sat up and just stared at the boy in front of me. New scars were prominent on the inside of his arms. Bones were visible where they shouldn’t be through his whole ridden clothes. 

He wouldn’t look me in the eyes and took two striped on an old shirt from his pocket. “This will help,” he said while trying to wrap the fabric around my redden skin. “You’re ankle doesn’t look good.”

I carefully pulled it closer to me. The bruise had spread up and down my leg, and the joint was heavily swollen. None of that mattered right now though, getting him out of here and to safety was my first priority. 

“Jimmy,” I whispered. I laid my head on his shoulder and softly cried.

He finished tending to me before putting his arms around me and hugging me tightly. “I’m okay. I’m more worried about you.”

I sat back. “Why? Look at you. Look what Adam has done?”

“It already done though. Nothing can change that.” Jimmy wiped my face for me with the blanket twisted around my body. “Adam’s serious Gavin. If Luke doesn’t pay he’s either going to make you an addicted or sell you.”

“Sell me?” I gasped, finding it hard to breathe.

He nodded. “That what I overheard when he was talking with one of his friends.”

“Of god, Jimmy.” My head fell into his chest.

He rubbed my back. “I brought you some food. Adam’s been in a good mood lately, so he actually went shopping.”

Grabbing the simple sandwich from the tray with just a piece of ham between two slices of bread, he handed it me. I ripped it in half and gave him back one side. 

He gave me a sad smile but didn’t resisted. We ate in silence, probably both wondering what in the hell was going to happen to us. 

“What are you doing in here?” announced Adam from the doorway.

I jumped and curled up near the headboard, having not heard him come in.

“You told me to bring him some food,” said Jimmy softly while gathering everything up. 

Nodding, Adam folded his arms. “Well, get going. Someone waiting for you.”

Bowing his head, Jimmy quietly slipped through the door, heading downstairs. 

Adam walked over to the bed and sat down by me. “Looks like Luke does care about you.” He laughed to himself. “He’s agreed to pay.”

“Really?” I gasped, wanting him to tell me more.

“Deal was simple, Luke gets both of you.”

“Jimmy to?” 

“I believe I just said that,” he growled.

I fell quiet and did my best to cover my body with the blanket.  

“Anyways, we’ll be making the trade in tomorrow night. So stay quiet until then and nothing else will happen.” He stood and started for the door.

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