Chapter thirty Caught by the Devil

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Chapter thirty

Caught by the Devil

I wandered around the streets near Adam’s house until it got dark. Somehow, I had to get Jimmy out without getting caught. I didn’t know exactly how I was going to do all that, but I figure waiting until night was my best option.

I only saw Luke’s car once during the day and made a run for it before he saw me. It didn’t take a genius to know he’d be looking for me, especially after what we did yesterday. I probably broke his heart when he found out I ran away again. 

I watched a few guys entered the house right after sunset. I sat in the back alley to wait them out, hoping they hurry up, get drunk and pass out in the next hour or so. 

I sat there for awhile before the house grew still, and I felt it was safe to creep up to the back door. Adam never locked it, so I easily slipped inside. Luckily for me, the light were off, and they hadn’t rearranged any of the furniture. I quietly made it through the kitchen without any problems. 

Standing at the entrance to the living room, I noticed three large outline slumped over on the couches. For the first time, I really hoped they were all wasted on drug and alcohol so they wouldn’t wake up until tomorrow morning. I’d be long gone with Jimmy by then.

I slipped across to the stairs and tried to remember which one squeaked the most. Weaving my way up, I tried to evenly distribute my weight. I didn’t make too much noise, and the men sleeping downstairs didn’t even move. 

The hallway was dark, but I felt my way to the door of my old bedroom pretty easily. My heart was pounding at this point. I was deep inside the house, and if Adam woke up, I don’t know if I’d be able to get out. 

I slowly turned the knob and pushed open the door just enough for me to slide inside. The street lights poured in through the window, and I could see a blond head of hair sticking out from under the covers on the bed. I just prayed he was alright and nothing major had happened since he came back here. 

“Jimmy,” I whispered, moving closer. 

The little figure didn’t move. 

“Jimmy it’s me Gavin.”

“Nice to have you back, Gavin,” said a voice from the shadows as the door slammed shut.

I froze and felt myself start panic. He knew I was coming.

Adam emerged from the corner. “I’ve missed you.”

I backed away from him to the opposing wall. Adam just smiled and stood in the middle of the room with a sickening grin on his face.

“I’ve been waiting all night for you.” He smiled at me. “Luke came by today asking if you were around. I told him to fuck off, like every other time he’s come by,” he growled, “since you two decided to steal Jimmy from me.” He backed me up to the bed. “He’s a good boy, and he came back. Just like I knew he would.” Ripping off the blanket, he revealed that it had only been a pile of clothes with a dingy old wig nestled at the top. 

“L-Luke will pay y-you,” I breathed as I inched towards the door. “He’ll pay you for b-both of us.”

“Oh, Jimmy not going anywhere. He staying here with me,” he eyes caught the light and gave them a devilish glint as he met my gaze, “and so are you.”

I darted for the door and got it open before Adam grabbed my hood and threw me across the room. My chest slammed into the end to the bed, and I toppled onto the floor. Holding my stomach, I stood and looked for something to defend myself with. 

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