Chapter thirty three Escaping the Hospital

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Chapter thirty three

Escaping the Hospital

“When can we go home?” I asked, fingering the metal staples protruding from my head.

Luke smiled and kissed my cheek as he removed my hand. “I like the sound of we.” 

He put it into my lap for about the fifth time today. I had already been lecture enough over the last two days to know he didn’t want me messing with my cut.

“Does this sudden need to get out of here have to do with Jimmy’s parents coming today.”

I picked at the stitched of the blanket draped over me. “What if they told my parents where I am?”

“According to my uncle they were getting in the car the moment he hung up.”

I nodded, still feeling this strange anxiety. “Can you just asked the doctor if you can take me home?”

Luke tilted up my chin and gave me a gentle kiss. “He said he’d be around shortly to discharge you.”

I let out a sigh. The last thing I wanted was to be anywhere near this place when the Holloways arrived. They’d blame me, I knew they would. 

“I brought you something from the apartment.” He lifted up the bag he had came here with and zipped opened the top. Pulling out the neatly folded clothes, he placed them on my lap. “Unless you want me to just carry you around in only a blanket again.” He raised an eyebrow. 

“Ha. Ha,” I said, glaring at him. 

There was a knock on the door, and we both looked over to see the doctor entered. Luke stepped back as he did some finally examination and instructed Luke on proper care and told him what I could and couldn’t do. It really pissed me off that he was talking like I was too stupid to take care of myself. I’m an adult just because I don’t look it doesn’t make my eighteen years of life are any less significant.

He handed Luke some forms before removing the IV from my hand. “That should do it.” He bandaged the area and started for the door. “Just give those to the nurse at the front desk when you’re done, and you’re free to go.” He closed the door quietly behind them.

“What’s that?” I asked pointing at the papers. 

“Nothing.” Luke signed his name at the bottom. 

“If it’s about me, I have a right to know.”

Looking at me, he just shook his head. “You have a right to get dressed before I carry you out of here naked.”

I scowled at him before grabbing the plain white shirt and yanking it over my head. I unfolded the shorts Luke had brought for me and wondered how I was going to do this.

“Ah! Wait.” Luke set the clipboard to the side and reached into the bag. “I think it about time you start wearing these again.” He tossed a bag of boxers at me. 

I narrowed my eyes at him. “You think you’re so funny.”

Luke simply smiled and went back to filling out the forms that doctor had left. 

After ripping open the bag, I took all three pairs out and throw two of them at Luke’s face. He gave me a sideways glance when they landed in his lap. 

“I don’t need all three.” I swung my legs to the side and tried to maneuver my cast through the leg hole. My body wasn’t cooperating very well as it was still sore from my last couple days in hell.

“You really are hopeless you know that.” Luke stood and helped me put them on. 

I couldn’t look at him it was already embarrassing enough and just handed him the shorts as well. 

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