Chapter five The Morning After

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 Chapter five

The Morning After

My eyes fluttered opened the sound of heavy breathing and a warm liquid touch my ads. The bed was shifting underneath me, and I let out a groan as a tingling sensation raced up my spine. My head cleared as I realize what that jackass was doing. 

You could at least woke me up, I grumbled in my head as Luke thrusted into me. I lifted myself up onto my elbows, and he quickly snaked an arm around me. By his desperate attempts to split me in half, I knew he was close. 

Luke slammed me back into him and let out a victorious sigh. His cock erupted inside of me and that when I felt the liquid begin to ooze out of my hole. 

The condom broke, my mind screamed. The condom broke! I threw him off me and looked down in horror. He wasn’t wearing one.

“What the fuck!” I kicked him hard in the gut, and he toppled off the bed. “What don’t you understand about I don’t do bareback.” I climbed off the bed and went to the door I hope was the master bath. “You are such a bastard.” I slammed the door behind behind me relieved it was in fact the bathroom. 

My entire body shook with anger. Grabbing some toilet paper, I did the best to wipe up the mess he made. I noticed dry cum all over my thigh. I had to bite my lip to stop from screaming. That bastard had done me while I was sleeping. Anger took over, and I punched the wall. It did more damage to me than anything else but it got out some of the pent of furry. 

I didn’t even care if he wanted me to use his shower or not. Throwing open the glass door, I turned the water on as hot as it would go and scrubbed my body. I was blinking back heated tears, while probably looking ridiculous trying to find away to wash out my ass. That jerk, how could he do that? The one thing that scared me the most, and he did it to me twice.

The shower door opened; Luke stepped in behind me and turned the water to a more reasonable temperature. “It’s not that big of a deal.”

I huddled in the corner, wanting to be as far away from him as possible. “You life doesn’t depend on staying clean. No one going to pay for a disease ridden whore.”

“I don’t have anything, so you’re freaking out for no reason.” He lifted up a douche bag and motioned for me to turn. “But if you’re so worried about it.”

I pressed my stomach up against the tile, and he slipped the long tube up my ass. The warm water flush through my bowels. After a couple of rinses, I told him to take it out. He tossed the bag out of the shower and held me to his chest. I was still mad and really not in the mood for this. Luke kept running his hand down my back. He even washed my hair for me. He was just some rich playboy, he would never understand what every slut feared. I just stood there and did my best not to touch him. He wasn’t going to get any favors from me.

“Are you still mad?”

“I was trying not to make it too obvious,” I stated sourly. 

“I’m clean. I promise. There’s nothing to worry about.” He put a glob of conditioner in my hair.

“You might be clean. It’s all the other people you slept with that scares me.” I tilted my head back, so he could rinse it. 

“I got tested two weeks ago. Everything came back negative, and I haven’t slept with anyone but you.” He grabbed my chin and kissed me. 

“You actually get tested?” I gave him a skeptical look.

“It’s not that hard to figure out I’m a gay man, Gavin,” he laughed. “And that’s kind of what we’re advised to do.”

“You wouldn’t be the first person to hide their wedding ring.”

Luke grinned. “No worries. I’m single and very much into men.” He turned off the water and led me out into the bathroom. Grabbing a towel, he dried me off. I just rolled my eyes at him. I was perfectly capable of taking care of myself.

Once we were both dry, Luke took me to the bedroom. He stripped the bed and laid a few blankets out. We just took a shower, and he already wants sex, great. I laid down on the bed and felt him climb on top of me. There was no grinding or ravenous kisses though. He simply gave me a small peck on the lips and curled up behind me and tightly wrapped his arms around me. 

Luke was stepping on my last nerve. I was not a cuddler. Use me and then get away from me, I didn’t need to sleep with some idiot clinging to me all night I straightened out like a board and attempted to move away from him.

“Knock it off,” he said, with his eyes still closed. “You’re still mine for three more hours, so if I want to snuggle with you that’s what we’re going to do.”

I stopped fighting and let him molded his body around me. “Why can’t you just fuck me like everyone else and kick me out,” I muttered.

“Because this is more fun.” He kissed my cheek, before nuzzling his head in my hair. 

I really hated him. 


“What do you want for breakfast?” Luke asked me as he opened up the fridge.

“Nothing,” I replied, even though my stomach began turn at the mere thought of food.

“You’re still mine for another half an hour, so tell me what you want.”

I sighed, sitting down on a stool. This was going to be the longest thirty minutes of my life. “What do you have?”

“I have eggs, pancakes.” He glanced over at me. “I have a waffle maker, if you want that.”

“Sure.” I laid my head on the counter and stared at the clock above the stove. Twenty-three minutes until I’m free.

Luke got out various ingredients and started mixing them in a ball, after plugging in a metal contraption. “You’re not going to wear that home, are you?”

I pulled down my grimy white shirt. It smelled horrible, and my pants smelt even worse. “Yep. I’ll probably make a couple bucks on the bus, if I’m lucky.”

“Ha ha,” he said dryly. “I have some stuff you could wear.”

I rolled my face back and forth on the counter. “I don’t want to come back to return them.”

“Then I’ll give them to you to make up for taking advantage of your unconscious  body.” He wiggled his eyebrows at me. “By the way, you are so cute when you sleep.”

“Shut up,” I muttered, sliding off the stool.

He took me back to his room and disappeared in his closet. “Most of these are too small for me anyways,” he said, reappearing and dumping a load of clothes on the bed. “They’re probably too big for you still.”

I glared at him and pick out a white shirt and a jacket. I’d keep my pants. His would probably dangle around my knees and I’d have to hold them up all the way home. Once dressed, I held out my arms for him. “Satisfied.”

“Very.” His hands wrapped around my hips, and he tugged me toward him. “Very nice actually.”

I spotted his clock on the desk and shoved him back. “Time’s up.”

“You haven’t even ate yet,” he argued. 

“Sorry.” I exited the room and plotted a directed course for the door.

“Gavin,” he whined, chasing after me. “You can stay five minutes and have something to eat.”

“Time’s up. If you haven’t been so frisky this morning, I might have thought about it.” I reached for the handle, but he blocked me.

“If you leave now, I’ll just buy you again, so I can feed you breakfast.”

I moved him out of the way. “Not going to work. You’re not the first to try it.” I stepped into the hall and slammed the door. Goodbye Luke.

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